Interact Installation Guide

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Interact Installation Guide



To install SMS-Magic Converse in your org, you should have one of the following:

Salesforce Sales

Service Cloud - either the Enterprise or Unlimited Edition


To upgrade to SMS-Magic Converse in your organization:


1.Consult your SMS-Magic Account Manager, since this is a major release with many new features and changes.

2.We recommend that you first install and evaluate this release in your sandbox environment.

3.For LEX, first register a domain.

4.Before you upgrade, ensure that you have enough user licenses.



Help with the Installation

To get the best out of the product, a admin user or SMS-Magic professional should perform the installation or upgrade. One of these roles is best to perform the installation:


Certified Salesforce Administrator

Salesforce user engaging assistance from the SMS-Magic Support



Installation/Upgrade Process

Generally, follow these major steps to perform the installation/upgrade:


1.For upgrades, we recommend that you install packages in your sandboxes first.

2.Navigate to the SMS-Magic AppExchange listing.

3.Click on Get it Now.

4.In accordance with your organization policy, you can install the latest SMS-Magic for (a) all users (b) specific profiles, or (c) only for admins.

5.Step through the installation setup wizard.

6.Test the new package successfully in your sandbox environment, then perform the upgrade in production.