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Module Configuration

You need to Configure Zoho CRM Modules to perform a Record Lookup on the Customer conversations that are newly created in Converse Desk.

Select the Zoho CRM Modules in the order you want to run the Lookup on the Mobile Number of the Conversation. By default, Leads and Contacts Module will be selected. You can change these modules and also add 3 more modules to the order.

When the Record Lookup is performed, the first matching record will be associated with the Conversation in Converse Desk. You should be able to see the Name of the Customer and the Module name on the conversation.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.