What is Sender ID?

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What is Sender ID?


Sender ID is the alpha-numeric name or number which appears on the mobile phone as the sender of a SMS (It is used to identify who’s sending the message to the recipient). Sender ID can be a numeric number (i.e. a Mobile Phone Number) or an alphanumeric number such as the name of your company.


Different countries & operators have different standard:

UK, Australia, Europe, others: It can be configured under configuration button on SMS Magic Tab. Please note that sender ID has to be within 11 alphanumeric characters.

USA: Sender Id is NOT configurable. You procure a Dedicated Incoming Number (DIN) or use our incoming numbers for sending messages. You can configure the incoming numbers as the Sender IDs and SMSes sent will show this number as the Sender ID (standard US number eg +12147587469).

India : The Sender ID is not configurable in India.