Track SMS Open Rates

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Track SMS Open Rates


The open rates for SMS messages are very high in comparison with all types of marketing. Recent reports found that compared to email marketing–which has an average open rate of 22% – the 98% open rate of SMS messages is far more impressive. While the open rate is high, there are no reliable average response rate metrics available.


The success of SMS marketing varies, and depends on many factors. It's not only the product/service that is being marketed, or the perception of the recipient. Equally important is how you craft the text of your messaging, the time of day the message is sent, and the type of response that you solicit from your recipients.


Unlike email tracking, it is simply not possible to track how many recipients open your SMS messages. However, you may be able to have some visibility into the delivery of the message. This depends on the country / carrier in the destination where you are sending the message. If this data is available, you can review the SMS History object report.


One option is to provide a link in the outgoing message, such as that can track any conversions. While this is not the same as tracking message opens, it is one way to measure engagement.