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Setup Nurture or Drip Campaigns

Nurture or drip campaigns are used for a variety of reasons.

  • To educate or nurture your prospects and customers
  • Learn more about them through a series of questions and content
  • Simplify a complex process by automating it through messaging

Nurture or drip campaigns are typically used in the following scenarios:

  • Nurturing new leads – While recruiting students, Universities can send them multiple messages to educate them about the prospects and opportunities their institute offers.
  • Deepen your relationships with relevance – Survey your audience to find out what they want to know, then share the exact information through a series of messages.
  • Run Loyalty programs – You can deliver timely and powerful loyalty program updates that keep your customers coming back for more.
  • Automate a complex or detailed process – You can monitor and manage the workflow of sales contractual processes, simplifying them for both clients and brokers.

For more information about creating a drip campaign, see Create a Drip Campaign.

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