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Incoming SMS Alerts

SMS is a high-velocity and instant channel of communication. It’s essential to reply to prospects within a certain time or they move to your competition. Incoming SMS alerts are critical for a business to know which prospect has replied instantly, and ensure that the prospect is replied to in a timely manner. 

With SMS Magic there are multiple ways and methods to be alerted of an Incoming SMS such as:

  • SMS
  • Email
  • Chatter 
  • Browser Notification 
  • Tab
  • Inbox blinking on Utility Bar

Who gets alerted?

You can configure incoming SMS alerts to go to the Last Sender (of an SMS to that particular recipient), or Record Owner (of the Contact record**); Or Sender ID Assigned User (The user who has been assigned the Sender ID).

You always have the option to view “All” in your SMS Inbox to view all Incoming SMS and filter them by different CRM criteria. Alerting the Record Owner is achieved by flows.

Messaging Alerts/Notifications

Team SpecificUse casesHow to Get Started
GeneralReply from Notifications: John wants to reply to incoming notifications and be proactive Reply from email, utility bar, sidebar, browser notifications

Alerts/Notifications: John  wants to be notified of all incoming messages Alerts/ notifications can be set on chatter, email, utility bar, sidebar, browser notifications & Salesforce bell icon 

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.