Create or Use SMS Templates

The Converse Template is a library of all the SMS templates created for different purposes. It helps you to easily manage and organize all templates that are necessary to conduct messaging campaigns. You can create new templates, edit existing templates, change a template owner, and attach a template to an object. Also, it is easy to add merge fields to the templates in order to personalize each of the outgoing messages.

Use CaseWhich type of Template?How to set up?
Thomas as service agents uses only predefined templates on case object with contact name from the contact object Single Object TemplateSetup case as Primary object and Name and Phone field on Contact ID -> Full Name in MOC
Henry is a recruiter and he wants to send job offers information to his students object recordsCross Object TemplateSetup Students as Primary Object and Job Offers as information Object in MOC

Post MOC configuration, you will be able to create the above templates in the converse template and incorporate merge fields as per use case.

Single Object Templates – Send SMS to Lead, Contact, or Account with merge fields.

Cross Object Templates – Sending SMS to a case, pull information from Contact, as well as Account without creating formula fields.

You get an option to set up a standard Salesforce approval process on templates to make sure your template content is verified before it’s available to users.

You can restrict users to send SMS ONLY using templates for sending canned responses & Not compose their own free text. We support to create templates of more than 160 characters, Unicode, multi-lingual, and Emojis.

For more information about creating or using templates, see Create and use Converse Templates.

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