Automated Conversations

The primary objective of automated conversations is to provide a quick and accurate response to incoming messages whenever possible. However, automation is also extensively used for campaigns as well, especially for drip or nurture campaigns.

Auto Response

Auto-response can be used for various situations and various objects. In case of a Contact, you can set up for sending the next set of information when the recipient responds with a specific keyword.

For a Case, if you don’t get a response from the recipient in stipulated time then you can send out a reminder. 

Here is the general process flow to set up auto-response:

Automated Campaign Setup

Automation can be used for setting up different campaigns as well. Here is a sample for setting a drip campaign using Marketo.

Prerequisite – SMS-Magic Converse is integrated with Marketo and Leads from Marketo are synchronized in Salesforce. 

Automation can be used for setting up different campaigns as well as follows:

Check the links for more details on different scenarios and use cases.

To Set Up …Use …Details
Nurture or Drip CampaignConverse Ap with Flows
Setup Nurture or Drip Campaigns
Auto Response on KeywordWorkflow
Setup Keyword-Based Auto Responses
Alerts and Reminders – Converse App Automation Event-Based Alerts and Reminders
Multi-touch CampaignsConverse App with Workflow Multi-Touch Campaigns
Marketo CampaignConverse App with Marketo Multi-Touch Campaigns
Pardot CampaignConverse App with Pardot Multi-Touch Campaigns
Salesforce Marketing CloudConverse App with Salesforce MC Multi-Touch Campaigns
Run a SurveyConverse App Run a Survey

Event-Triggered Alerts & Reminders 

SMS-Magic Converse provides Converse App functionality. This can be used very effectively for bulk messaging and automated conversations.

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