Edit Consent Record

  1. Select the checkbox adjacent to the consent record you want to edit.
  2. Click and then select edit. The Edit Consent Record for <phone number> pop-up window appears.

  3. Edit the details as required. Refer to the table below for more details on individual fields.

    Content TypeDisplays the content type for which consent has been added.
    Sender IDDisplays the default Sender ID for receiving the consent.
    Current StatusDisplays the current consent status.
    Change Status ToSelect the new consent status.
    Do not send Confirmation MessageSelect this check-box to send a message confirming the consent status of the customer.

    Confirmation Message Sender IDSelect the Sender ID that will be displayed when the confirmation message is sent to the customer. 
    Opt-out confirmation messageType the confirmation message that will be sent in case the consent status is set to Opt-Out.
  5. Click Save Changes. Consent Record is updated in the list view.

  6. Click on the list view to edit the record phone number.
    Click and then select Delete to delete a consent record.
  7. Click the record number. The Consent Details appear.

Content TypeDisplays the content type for which consent has been added.
Sender IDDisplays the default Sender ID for receiving the consent.
Current StatusDisplays the current consent status.
Change Status ToSelect the new consent status.
Do not send Confirmation MessageSelect this check-box to send a message confirming the consent status of the customer.

Confirmation Message Sender IDSelect the Sender ID that will be displayed when the confirmation message is sent to the customer. 
Opt-out confirmation messageType the confirmation message that will be sent in case the consent status is set to Opt-Out.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.