SMS Template in ‘SMS On Workflow’ Addon Configuration

If you are using SMS On Workflow Version: 1.21 and above

  1. If the template used in the workflow XML configuration is updated, the XML will get updated automatically and we don’t have to make any further changes 
  2. The configuration name will remain the same 

Steps to check if XML is updated after changing the template:

  1. Go to the workflow -> Task
  2. Copy the configuration name from the comments field. It will look something like “ SMS-Notification-Lead-88c7”
  3. Go to all tabs -> workflow XML configuration -> search with config name 
  4. Open the XML and check <templateText> in XML string

Below are some screenshots for your reference:

Original Workflow XML Configuration:

Original Template:

Updated Template:

Updated XML:

If you are using SMS On Workflow Version: below 1.21 

  1. If the template is updated, XML will not get updated 
  2. You need to create a new XML and update it in the workflow task 

Follow the below steps:

  1. Go to SMS/Converse templates and edit the template 
  2. Go to all tabs -> workflow XML configuration 
  3. Click on new workflow XML configuration 
  1. Add the details as below 

Lookup object should be the object from which you are pulling the phone number. 

  • Select the “Mobile Phone field”in recipient type 
  • From the recipient list, select the phone field in which phone number is stored 
  • Select sender ID and template and click on the ‘Create’ button 
  1. After clicking on the name, configuration name will get generated 
  1. Copy this XML and update the comment field on the workflow task

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