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Send a Message from Converse Inbox

  1. On the Salesforce Home page, click . The App Launcher page appears.

  2. Click Sales Console. The Console page appears displaying a narrow panel at the bottom of the screen comprising the Conversation View and the History tab.

  3. Click Conversations View. The conversation list appears.

  4. Click individual icons displayed on the top right corner of the message reply panel for more details.

  5. Click an individual record to view the conversation details for that record.

  6. Click individual icons displayed on the top right corner of the message reply panel for more details.




    Click to view the Converse Desk Filters. Refer to the section View Conversations using Global and Conversation Filters for more details.


    Click to create a new message.
    Refer to the section on Send New Message for more details.


    Click to execute CRM actions on a record. You can do the following:

    • View Contacts
    • Edit Contacts
    • Create New Task
    • Create an Opportunity
    • Create an Event
    • Create a Case

    CRM Actions that are made available to you may vary depending on your organizational requirements and the configurations made by your Administrator.


    Click to search for a conversation.


    Click to refresh the screen.


    Click to select from any of the following actions:

    • Assign Conversations – Click to assign a conversation to another user. Refer to the section on Assign Conversations for more details.
    • Close Conversations – Click to close a conversation.
    • Related Conversation – Click to view all the related conversations.
  7. Type the message and click Send.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.