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Quality Rating and Status

Quality Rating

It shows the quality of the messages your customers received in the past 24 hours. Under the Quality Rating column, there are three different quality states:

  • Green: High quality
  • Yellow: Medium quality
  • Red: Low quality


There are different statuses for phone numbers that refer to its connectivity:

  • Pending: This is when a business first sets up a phone number that hasn’t yet been on-boarded and approved
  • Connected: The phone number is online and functioning normally
  • Offline: The phone number is currently not reachable by WhatsApp servers or is not otherwise online

Occasionally, a phone number may show one of two particular statuses that are related to quality and messaging limits: Flagged and Restricted.

  • Flagged: This is a warned state. When the quality rating reaches a low (red) state, the phone number is moved to a Flagged status. If the quality rating improves to a high (green) or medium (yellow) state over 7 days, the phone number will return to a connected status. If the quality rating does not improve within 7 days, the number will still return to a connected status but with a lower messaging limit imposed on it.
  • Restricted: Phone numbers that reach their messaging limit are moved to a restricted state. During a Restricted state, the number will be unable to send any notification messages until the 24-hour window for sending messages is reset. They can still respond to any messages initiated by users.

To maintain high quality, WhatsApp recommends the following:

  • Make sure messages follow the WhatsApp Messaging guidelines
  • Only send messages to users who have opted to receive messages from your business
  • Make the messages highly personalized and useful to users. Avoid sending open-ended welcome messages or introductory messages.
  • Be mindful of messaging frequency, avoid sending customers too many messages a day. Be thoughtful of informational messages, optimizing for content and length.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.