Label And Description

Object NameField NameField LabelField Description
Conversation_Recipient_Map__cConversation__cConversationThis field contains the value of the Conversation lookup.
SenderId_Profile_Map__cProfile_Id__cProfile IdThis field contains the profile ID related to the sender ID of the user.
SenderId_Profile_Map__cSenderId_Lookup__cSenderId LookupThis field contains the ID to retrieve sender ID.
SenderId_Profile_Map__cUser__cUserThis field contains the user information related to the default sender ID.
Error_Log__cBatch_Id__cBatch IdThis field contains the batch ID if the error occurred in a batch.
Error_Log__cClass_Name__cClass NameThis field contains the class name where the error occurred.
Error_Log__cError_Message__cError MessageThis field contains the description of the error.
Error_Log__cError_Status_Code__cError Status CodeThis field contains the error code.
Error_Log__cError_Type__cError TypeThis field contains the error type. The type can be: Generic, SOQL, Permission, or Custom.
Error_Log__cFields__cFieldsStores the fields of an object because of which the error originated.
Error_Log__cLine_number__cLine numberThis field contains the line number of the class where error originated.
Error_Log__cObject__cObjectThis field contains the object on which the error occurred.
Error_Log__cUser__cUserThis field contains the user for which the error occurred.
AccessibleChannels__cIsMMSEnabled__cIs MMS EnabledThis field contains the value whether MMS is enabled or not.
AccessibleChannels__cIsSMSEnabled__cIs SMS EnabledThis field contains the value whether SMS is enabled or not.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__cCampaign__cCampaignThis field contains the lookup of Campaign for which SMS batch was executed.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__cExecution_Status__cExecution StatusThis field contains the execution status. The status can be: Queued, Processing, etc.
SMS_Batch_Execution_Tracker__cJob_Id__cJob IdThis field contains the job ID of the batch executed for sending SMS.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__cExpired__cExpiredThis field indicates the account subscription is Expired.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__cPackage1__cPackage1This field indicates the account subscription is Starter.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__cPackage2__cPackage2This field indicates the account subscription is Value.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__cPackage3__cPackage3This field indicates the account subscription is Automation.
SMS_Magic_Package_Type__cTrial__cTrialThis field indicates account is in the trial subscription period.
Converse_App__cAction_Count__cNumber of ActionsThis field contains the number of actions in a Comverse App.
Converse_App__cEnd_Date__cEnd DateThis field contains the end date for Converse App.
Converse_App__cErrorMessages__cError MessagesThis field contains the error message encountered in sending messages.
Converse_App__cErrorState__cError StateThis field contains the value for the checkbox field if an error exists. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.
Converse_App__cObject__cSalesforce ObjectThis field contains the primary object for the Converse App.
Converse_App__cOwner__cOwnerThis field contains the owner of the Converse App.
Converse_App__cPrimaryType__cPrimaryTypeThis field contains the primary purpose of Converse App. This purpose can be: Manual or Automation.
Converse_App__cPurpose__cPurposeThis field contains the purpose of the Converse App.
Converse_App__cStart_Date__cStart DateThis field contains the start date of the Converse App.
Converse_App__cStatus__cStatusThis field contains the current status of the Converse App. Status can be Draft, Active, Paused, Closed, or Archived.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__cFilter_ID__cFilter IDThis field contains the ID of list view or Converse App selected on Converse Desk.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__cFilter_Object__cFilter ObjectThis field contains the name of the object on which the List View or Converse App was selected in Converse Desk.
Converse_Desk_Recently_Used_Filters__cUser__cUserThis field contains the user ID that selected List View or Converse App filter in Converse Desk.
Unrelated_Object_Config__cParent_Object_Id__cParent Object IdThis field contains ID of the Parent Message Object Config record.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__cApi_Key__cApi KeyThis field contains the API key for authentication process.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__cApplication_key__cApplication keyThis field contains the application key of organization. This is a private key used for application registration.
SMS_Magic_Security_Setting__cisRegistered__cisRegisteredThis field contains value of the registeration status of the application. The value can be TRUE or FALSE.
Object_Metadata_Config__cMetadata_Id__cMetadata IdThis field contains ID information of the page created through Interact package.
Object_Metadata_Config__cMetadata_Label__cMetadata LabelThis field contains the label of the page or button created through Interact package.
Object_Metadata_Config__cMetadata_Type__cMetadata TypeThis field contains the type of the component created through Interact package. Component is either Page or Button.
Object_Metadata_Config__cParent_Object_Id__cParent Object IdThis field contains ID information of the parent MOC record for which page or button is created.
global_settings__cCan_Setup_App__cCan Setup AppSelect this field to enable the user to setup Converse Apps.
global_settings__cCompliance_Type__cCompliance TypeThis field contains the value of the compliance mechanism used in organization. The values can be: OptIn or OptOut or blank meaning no compliance check required
global_settings__cDefault_Email_Notification_Template__cDefault Email Notification TemplateThis field contains the ID of the email template used by default for email notification on incoming message.
global_settings__cEnable_Incoming_Notification__cEnable Incoming NotificationThis field contains the value for new message notification. The value can be: Select for notification or Clear for no notification.
global_settings__cIs_Coverage_Setup_Complete__cIs Coverage Setup CompleteThis field contains the value about completion on Coverage step in Setup. The value can be Select for successful completion of the Coverage step or Clear for Coverage step not complete.
global_settings__cLookup_not_in_outgoing_message__cLookup not in outgoing messageChecking this settings would try to lookup to every object present in object config irrespective of whether the latest message from the same number had a lookup to that object or not.
global_settings__cMax_SMS_Text_Length__cMax SMS Text LengthThis field contains the value of the maximum permissible length for SMS.
global_settings__cTask_Subject__cTask SubjectThis field contains the value of the Task Subject. Use this value to send automated SMS on task creation.
global_settings__cUse_Common_Object__cUse Single Message ObjectSelect this field to use common object for incoming and outgoing messages.
global_settings__cUse_Config_for_Incoming_Message_Lookup__cUse Config for Incoming Message LookupSelect this field to use incoming lookup logic based on phone number and Sender ID on a setup where incoming messages are stored in separate object.
global_settings__cUse_Default_SenderId__cUse Default SenderIdThis field contains the value to ensure that only default sender is shown on sender ID selection while sending SMS.
global_settings__cisDataMigrationAccessible__cIs Data Migration AccessibleThis field contains the value to enable User interface for Data Migration.
global_settings__clastExecutedMigrationBatchId__cLast Executed Migration BatchIdThis field contains the ID of last data migration batch. Use this field to identify progress of data migration steps.
Incoming_SMS__cCampaign__cCampaignThis field contains the value of the related campaign for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cCase__cCaseThis field contains the value of the related case for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cContact__cContactThis field contains the value of the related contact for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cConversation__cConversationThis field contains the value of the related conversation for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cConverse_App_Action__cConverse App ActionThis field contains the value of the related converse app for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cConverse_App_Task__cConverse App TaskThis field contains the value of the related app task for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the value of the related app for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cFavourite__cFavouriteThis field contains the value of the message as favorite if the user selects this field.
Incoming_SMS__cInbound_Number__cInbound NumberThis field contains the value of the To number that can recieve incoming SMS.
Incoming_SMS__cLead__cLeadThis field contains the value of the related lead for incoming.
Incoming_SMS__cMMS_Type__cMessage TypeThis field contains the value of the message type. The value can be: SMS or MMS.
Incoming_SMS__cMobile_Number__cMobile NumberThis fields contains the mobile number sending message.
Incoming_SMS__cMobile_Number_without_ISD_Code__cMobile Number without ISD CodeThis fields contains the mobile number sending message without ISD code.
Incoming_SMS__cNew__cNewSelect this field to mark the message as New.
Incoming_SMS__cObjectType__cObjectThis field contains the primary object.
Incoming_SMS__cSMS_Text__cSMS TextThis field contains the text sent by the client.
Incoming_SMS__cUser__cUserThis field contains the ID of the related user.
Incoming_SMS__cactionTaken__cAction TakenThis field contains the action taken on Incoming. The action can be: Create Task, Create Lead, Create Contact, Create Case, etc.
Incoming_SMS__cexternal_field__cExternal FieldThis field contains the ID for external systems.
Incoming_SMS__coutgoing_sms__cOutgoing SMSThis field contains the ID of the previous outgoing SMS.
Incoming_SMS__ctaskId__ctaskIdThis field contains the related task ID.
Keyword_Action_Config__cField_To_Update__cField To UpdateTo be used in future. This field contains the API name of the field to update.
Keyword_Action_Config__cKeyword__cKeywordTo be used in future. This field contains the value of the keyword.
Keyword_Action_Config__cRelated_To__cRelated ToTo be used in future. This field contains the ID of the related Message Object Config (MOC).
Keyword_Action_Config__cValue__cValueTo be used in future. This field contains value to be used in Field To Update.
License__cStatus__cStatusThis field contains the license status. The status can be: Active or Inactive.
License__cUser__cUserThis field contains the user ID to which license is assigned.
Update_Related_Lists__cUpdate_Account_Related_List__cUpdate Account Related ListSelect this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Account on Lead conversion.
Update_Related_Lists__cUpdate_Contact_Related_List__cUpdate Contact Related ListSelect this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Contact on Lead conversion.
Update_Related_Lists__cUpdate_Opportunity_Related_List__cUpdate Opportunity Related ListSelect this field to port incoming and outgoing messages to Opportunity on Lead conversion.
Child_Object_Config__cParent_Object_Id__cParent Object IdTo be used in future. This field contains the ID of the related MOC.
Object_Field_Config__cField_Name__cField NameThis field contains the field name used by MOC object.
Object_Field_Config__cField_Purpose__cField PurposeThis field contains the purpose of which field name used by the MOC object.
Object_Field_Config__cField_Type__cField TypeThis field gives information about how to use Field Name.
Object_Field_Config__cObject_Message_Config__cRelated To Master ObjectThis field contains the ID of the parent MOC record.
Object_Field_Config__cUnrelated_Object_Config__cUnrelated Object RecordThis field contains the ID of the Unrelated Object Config. Used only when the purpose is unrelated.
SMS_Template__cDescription__cDescriptionThis field contains the description of the template.
SMS_Template__cName__cNameThis field contains the name of template.
SMS_Template__cObjectName__cObjectNameThis field contains the Objects for which templates to be created.
SMS_Template__cText__cTextThis field contains the text in the template.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__cDisable_Incoming_Lookup__cDisable Incoming LookupSelect this field to stop lookup and actions happening on incoming messages from managed package code.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__cDisable_Lead_Conversion__cDisable Lead ConversionSelect this field to stop migration of messages and conversations on Lead migration.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__cDisable_Mail_Sending__cDisable Mail SendingSelect this field to disable managed package code to send email notifications on incoming messages.
Disable_Triggers_Execution__cDisable_Salesforce_Task__cDisable Salesforce TaskSelect this field to disable sending an automated messages on Salesforce Task creation.
ContactSMSOptOut__cSMS Opt OutThis field contains the value to mark the contact as OptOut.
Keyword_Action_Map__cAction_Type__cAction TypeThis field contains the type of Action. The type can be: Trigger or Response.
Keyword_Action_Map__cConverse_App_Action__cConverse App ActionThis field contains the lookup of related action.
Keyword_Action_Map__cKeyword__cKeywordThis field contains the lookup of related keyword.
Converse_App_User_Map__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
Converse_App_User_Map__cUser__cUserThis field contains the ID of the related user.
Action__cAction_To_Perform__cAction To PerformThis field contains the Action type to perform The type can be: Create Lead or Case or Task.
Action__cAction_Type__cAction TypeThis field contains the Action type. The type can be: Automated or Manual.
Action__cDescription__cDescriptionThis field contains the description of the Action.
MMS_Detail__cMMS_Type__cMMS TypeThis field contains the type of the MMS. The type can be: Internal or External.
MMS_Detail__cMMS_Url__cMMS UrlThis field contains the URL of the MMS.
MMS_Detail__cSMS_History__cSMS HistoryThis field contains the ID of the related outgoing SMS.
Duration_To_View_History__cnoOfDaysForCutOffDate__cnoOfDaysForCutOffDateThis field contains the value of the number of days for search on outgoing recieptent can be done to map to an incoming sender.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__cIncoming_SMS__cIncoming SMSThis field contains the ID of the related incoming SMS.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__cMMS_Type__cMMS TypeThis field contains the type of the MMS. The type can be: Internal or External.
Incoming_MMS_Detail__cMMS_URL__cMMS URLThis field contains the URL of the MMS.
Message_Object_Config__cName_Field__cName FieldThis field contains the API name of the name field of the object.
Message_Object_Config__cObject_Name__cObject NameThis field contains the object name.
Message_Object_Config__cOpt_Out_Field_Value__cOpt Out Field ValueThis field contains the value of the OptOut.
Message_Object_Config__cOpt_Out_Field__cOpt Out FieldThis field contains the API name of OptOut field.
Message_Object_Config__cOpt_Out_Operator__cOpt Out OperatorThis field cotains the operator value to check if the record is opted out.
Action_Parameter__cAction__cActionThis field contains the ID of the related Action record.
Action_Parameter__cObject__cObjectThis field contains the API name of the related MOC.
Action_Parameter__cParameter_Name__cParameter NameThis field contains the name of the parameter.
Action_Parameter__cParameter_Type__cParameter TypeThis field contains the type of the parameter. The type can be: URL, Field, etc.
Action_Parameter__cParameter__cParameter ValueThis field contains the value of the parameter.
Converse_App_Action__cAutomation_Key__cAutomation KeyThis field contains the automation key used in the Process builder/workflows.
Converse_App_Action__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the lookup to the Converse App object.
Converse_App_Action__cEnd_Date__cEnd DateThis field contains the end date of an Action.
Converse_App_Action__cFallback_SenderId__cFallback SenderIdThis field contains the Fallback sender ID if a sender ID corresponding to criteria is not found. Not specifying this field would fail messages for records where sender selection criteria did not return a valid sender ID.
Converse_App_Action__cList_View_ID__cList View IDThis field contains the ID of the list view.
Converse_App_Action__cMessage_App_Trigger_Name__cMessage App Trigger NameThis field contains the name of the message app trigger.
Converse_App_Action__cMessage_App_Trigger__cMessage App TriggerThis field contains the type of the trigger. The type can be: Process Builder, Workflow, Manual, Detail, Pardot. etc.
Converse_App_Action__cMessage_Sequence__cMessage SequenceThis field contains the message sequence.
Converse_App_Action__cMessage_Text__cMessage TextThis field contains the message text used for sending SMS.
Converse_App_Action__cMobile_Phone_Field__cMobile Phone FieldThis field contains the mobile phone field used for sending SMS.
Converse_App_Action__cPurpose__cPurposeThis field contains the purpose of the Action.
Converse_App_Action__cRespect_Subscription_Setting__cRespect Subscription SettingThis field contains the value on which people get messages. The value can be: Opted Out people do not get messages and Opted In people get messages.
Converse_App_Action__cSMS_Schedule__cSMS ScheduleThis field contains the ID of the related schedule.
Converse_App_Action__cSMS_Template__cSMS TemplateThis field contains the ID of the related template.
Converse_App_Action__cSenderIDSelectionCriteria__cSenderID Selection CriteriaThis field contains the value of the sender ID selction criteria. The value can be: Record Owner, Current User, etc.
Converse_App_Action__cSenderIDSelectionType__cSenderID Selection TypeThis field contains the value of the sender ID selection type. The value can be: Auto or Fixed.
Converse_App_Action__cStart_Date__cStart DateThis field contains the start date of the Action.
Converse_App_Action__cStatus__cStatusThis field contains the status of the Action. The status can be: Draft, Active, Paused, etc.
Converse_App_Action__cTask_Owner_Criteria__cTask Owner CriteriaThis field contains the criteria of the task owner. The criteria can be: Record Owner, Current User.
Converse_App_Action__cTemplate_Selection_Criteria__cTemplate Selection CriteriaThis field contains the criteria of the template selection.
Converse_App_Action__cTemplate_Selection_Type__cTemplate Selection TypeThis field contains the type of the template selction. The type can be: Auto or Fixed.
Converse_App_Action__cType__cTypeThis field contains the type of Action. The type can be: Automation, Auto Reply, Schedule, etc.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__cListing_Field__cListing FieldThis field contains the API name of the field that is displayed on the Conversation listing.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__cMessage_Object_Config__cMessage Object ConfigThis field contains the ID of the MOC for which the config is done.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__cTemplate_Field__cTemplate FieldThis field contains the template field to show. If blank, no template field is shown.
Converse_Desk_User_Config__cUser__cUserThis field contains the ID of the user for whom the config is done.
Converse_App_Task__cAutomation_Key_Reference__cAutomation Key ReferenceThis field contains the automation key reference.
Converse_App_Task__cContact__cContactThis field contains the ID of the related contact.
Converse_App_Task__cConverse_App_Action__cConverse App ActionThis field contains the ID of the related action.
Converse_App_Task__cErrorMessages__cError MessagesThis field contains the error messages.
Converse_App_Task__cEvent_Id__cEvent IdThis field contains the ID of the related event.
Converse_App_Task__cIncoming_SMS__cIncoming SMSThis field contains the ID of the related incoming SMS.
Converse_App_Task__cLead__cLeadThis field contains the ID of the related lead.
Converse_App_Task__cSMS_History__cSMS HistoryThis field contains the ID of the related SMS history.
Converse_App_Task__cStatus__cStatusThis field contains the value of the transaction status. The value can be: Success or Fail.
Converse_App_Task__cTask_Id__cTask IdThis field contains the ID of the related task.
Converse_App_Task__cTemplate__cTemplateThis field contains the ID of the related template.
Converse_App_Task__cType__cTypeThis field contains the value of the transaction type. The value can be: Bulk or Automation.
Converse_App_Template_Map__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the ID of the related app.
Converse_App_Template_Map__cSMS_Template__cSMS TemplateThis field contains the ID of the related SMS template.
Converse_App_Template_Map__cType__cTypeThis field contains the value to map the template with Converse Apps
Action_Object__cAction__cActionThis field contains the related action.
Action_Object__cObject__cObjectThis field contains the related message object.
LeadSMSOptOut__cSMS Opt OutSelect this field to mark the Lead as OptOut.
Alpha_SenderID_Map__cIncoming_Sender_ID__cIncoming Sender IDThis field contains the related Incoming Sender ID.
Alpha_SenderID_Map__cOutgoing_Sender_ID__cOutgoing Sender IDThis field contains the related Outgoing Sender ID.
smsMagic__cAccount__cAccountThis field contains the ID of the related Account.
smsMagic__cCampaign__cCampaignThis field contains the ID of the related Campaign.
smsMagic__cCase__cCaseThis field contains the ID of the related Case.
smsMagic__cContact__cContactThis field contains the ID of the related Contact.
smsMagic__cConversation__cConversationThis field contains the ID of the related Conversation.
smsMagic__cConverse_App_Action__cConverse App ActionThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App Action.
smsMagic__cConverse_App_Task__cConverse App TaskThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App Task.
smsMagic__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
smsMagic__cCountry__cCountryThis field contains the value of the recipient country.
smsMagic__cCreatedOn__cCreatedOnThis field contains the created date.
smsMagic__cDirection__cDirectionThis field contains the direction of the message. The direction can be: OUT is for outgoing and IN is for inbound.
smsMagic__cIs_Text_Unicode__cText UnicodeSelect this field to make the message Unicode.
smsMagic__cLead__cLeadThis field contains the ID of the related Lead.
smsMagic__cMMS_Subject__cMMS SubjectThis field contains the subject of the MMS.
smsMagic__cMessage_Type__cMessage TypeThis field contains the message type. The type can be: SMS or MMS.
smsMagic__cName__cNameThis field contains the value of the Name of the SMS recieptent.
smsMagic__cNew__cNewSelect this field to make the message New.
smsMagic__cObjectType__cObjectTypeThis field contains the Object type of the receiver. The type can be: Contact or Lead or User.
smsMagic__cOpportunity__cOpportunityThis field contains the ID of the related Opportunity.
smsMagic__cPhoneNumber__cMobile NumberThis field contains the mobile number of the recipient.
smsMagic__cPrevious_Message__cPrevious MessageThis field contains the lookup of previous message.
smsMagic__cSMSText__cSMSTextThis field contains the text sent to recipient.
smsMagic__cSMS_Credits__cMessage CreditsThis field contains the credits consumed while sending message.
smsMagic__cSMS_Template__cSMS TemplateThis field contains the ID of the related SMS template.
smsMagic__cSenderId__cSenderIdThis field contains the ID of the sender.
smsMagic__cSent_By__cSent ByThis field contains the Sent By date.
smsMagic__cSent_On__cSent OnThis field contains the Sent On date.
smsMagic__cSource__cSourceThis field contains the message source.

This field contains the status of message. The status can be: Delivered, Error, Failed, Queued, Submitted, etc.

  • DELIVERED – This status is displayed when we receive the delivery receipt of the sent message from the carrier which signifies that the message is successfully delivered.
  • ERROR – This status is displayed when messages fail to get sent from Salesforce. (Due to validations related to sender ID, Message Text, External fields etc.)
  • FAILED – This status is displayed when salesforce tried to sent messages but it got rejected by SMS-Magic server or couldn’t connect to SMS-Magic server
  • QUEUED – This status is displayed when messages are queued due to throttling being enabled on the customer account.
  • SUBMITTED – This status is displayed when messages are successfully sent to SMS-Magic server.The further status will get updated based upon the delivery reports received from carriers.
  • UNDELIVERED – This status is displayed when messages are successfully sent to recipients but are not delivered.
smsMagic__cType__cTypeThis field contains the type of the transaction. The type can be: Incoming or Outgoing.
smsMagic__cUnformatted_Phone_Number__cUnformatted Phone NumberThis field contains the mobile number in an unformatted way.
smsMagic__cUse_Default_Sender__cUse Default SenderThis field contains value of the default sender. The value can be: Record Owner or Current User.
smsMagic__cUser__cUserfor Tasks created for User.
smsMagic__cdisableSMSOnTrigger__cDisable SMS On TriggerThis field contains the value for SMS History. The value can be: 1 for creating SMS History record only or 0 for making callout and creating SMS History record.
smsMagic__cexternal_field__cExternal FieldThis field contains the ID for external systems.
smsMagic__cstatusMessage__cStatus MessageIn case of any error in sending a message, an appropriate message is populated in the Status message field.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__cRemote_MMS_Url__cRemote MMS UrlThis field contains the Remote URL for MMS callouts.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__cRemote_Registration_Url__cRemote Registration UrlThis field contains the Remote URL for registration.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__cRemote_URL__cRemote URLThis field contains the Remote URL for sending SMS.
SMS_Magic_URL_Setting__cServer_Location__cServer LocationThis field contains the value for server location of the SMS Magic database.
SMS_Schedule__cCampaign_Statuses__cCampaign StatusesThis field contains the campaign member statuses.
SMS_Schedule__cCondition__cConditionTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cDate__cDateThis field contains the date in GMT format.
SMS_Schedule__cEnd_Date__cEnd DateThis field contains the end date of schedule.
SMS_Schedule__cExclude_Phone_Json__cExclude Phone JsonTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cFailure_Reason__cCommentsThis field contains the failure reason.
SMS_Schedule__cJob_ID__cJob IDThis field contains the ID of the schedule job.
SMS_Schedule__cList_View_Configuration__cList View ConfigurationTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cName_Field__cName FieldThis field contains the Name field.
SMS_Schedule__cObject__cObjectThis field contains the name of the message object.
SMS_Schedule__cOptout_Field__cOptout FieldThis field contains the Opt Out field.
SMS_Schedule__cPhone_Field__cPhone FieldThis field contains the Phone field.
SMS_Schedule__cRecord_Ids__cRecord IdsThis field contains the ID of the record.
SMS_Schedule__cSMS_Template__cSMS TemplateThis field contains ID of the template.
SMS_Schedule__cSMS_Text__cSMS TextThis field contains the SMS text.
SMS_Schedule__cSchedule_JobId__cSchedule JobIdThis field contains the value of the random generatedj ob name.
SMS_Schedule__cSchedule_Name__cSchedule NameThis field contains the scheduled job name.
SMS_Schedule__cScheduled_Date__cScheduled DateThis field contains the scheduled date.
SMS_Schedule__cSelected_Days_RecurWeek__cSelected Days RecurWeekThis field contains the days for weekly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__cSelected_Months_RecurMonthly__cSelected Months RecurMonthlyThis field contains the days for monthly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__cSelected_Months_RecurYearly__cSelected Months RecurYearlyThis field contains the days for yearly recurring.
SMS_Schedule__cSelected_User__cSelected UserThis field contains the selected user.
SMS_Schedule__cSenderId__cSender IdThis field contains the ID of the sender.
SMS_Schedule__cShow_Other_Users__cShow Other UsersTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cStatus__cStatusThis field contains the status. The status can be: scheduled, queued, etc.
SMS_Schedule__cTemplate_Id_Json__cTemplate Id JsonTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cUnrelated_Object_ID__cUnrelated Object IDThis field contains the ID of the unrelated object.
SMS_Schedule__cVariable_Day_RecurDay__cVariable Day RecurDayTo be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cisOptout__cSend To OptoutSelect this field to send SMS to OptOut records.
SMS_Schedule__cisRecurring__cisRecurringThis field contains the value stating if the schedule is recurring.
SMS_Schedule__crecursTypeForDaily__crecursTypeForDailyThis field contains the value stating if it is daily recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__crecursTypeMonthly__crecursTypeMonthlyThis field contains the value stating if it is monthly recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__crecursTypeYearly__crecursTypeYearlyThis field contains the value stating if it is yearly recurring schedule.
SMS_Schedule__crecursType__crecursTypeThis field contains the type of schedule. The type can be: daily, monthly, or yearly.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedDateForYear__cselectedDateForYearThis field contains the selected date for year.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedDayForMonth1__cselectedDayForMonth1This field contains the selected day for start month.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedDayForMonth2__cselectedDayForMonth2This field contains the selected day for end month.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedMonthForYear__cselectedMonthForYearThis field contains the selected month for year.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedMonth__cselectedMonthThis field contains the selected month.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedWeekDayForYear__cselectedWeekDayForYearThis field contains the selected weekday for year.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedWeekForMonth__cselectedWeekForMonthThis field contains the selected week for month.
SMS_Schedule__cselectedWeekForYear__cselectedWeekForYearThis field contains the selected week for year.
SMS_Schedule__cvariableMonth1__cvariableMonth1To be deprecated.
SMS_Schedule__cvariableMonth2__cvariableMonth2To be deprecated.
Conversation_Related_Objects__cAbsolute_Field__cAbsolute FieldThis field contains the absolute API path from Conversation to Related object.
Conversation_Related_Objects__cConversation_Field__cConversation FieldThis field contains the reference field of related object on Conversation.
Conversation_Related_Objects__cMOC__cMOCThis field contains the ID of the related MOC.
Conversation_Related_Objects__cRelative_Field__cRelative FieldThis field contains the relative API path from Conversation to Related object.
Conversation_Sender_Map__cConversation__cConversationThis field contains the ID of the related conversation.
Conversation_Sender_Map__cSMS_SenderId__cSMS SenderIdThis field contains the ID of the related sender.
License_Management__cStandard__cStandardThis field contains the total number of purchased licenses.
SMS_SenderId__cDescription__cDescriptionThis field contains the description of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__cEmail_Notification_Template__cEmail Notification TemplateThis field contains the ID of the email template used for notification.
SMS_SenderId__cLabel__cLabelThis field contains the label of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__cNotification_Recipient__cNotification RecipientThis field contains value of the Notification Recipient. The value can be None, Last Sender, etc.
SMS_SenderId__cUsed_For__cUsed ForThis field contains the description of the purpose of the sender ID.
SMS_SenderId__csenderId__cSenderIdThis field contains the ID of the sender.
Conversation__cCampaign__cCampaignThis field contains the ID of the related Campaign.
Conversation__cContact__cContactThis field contains the ID of the related Contact.
Conversation__cConverse_App_Action__cConverse App ActionThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App Action.
Conversation__cConverse_App__cConverse AppThis field contains the ID of the related Converse App.
Conversation__cLast_Incoming_Time__cLast Incoming TimeThis field contains the time of the Last Incoming Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__cLast_Message_Direction__cLast Message DirectionThis field contains the direction of the Last Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__cLast_Message_Time__cLast Message TimeThis field contains the time of the Last Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__cLast_Outgoing_Time__cLast Outgoing TimeThis field contains the time of the Last Outgoing Message in the Conversation.
Conversation__cLead__cLeadThis field contains the ID of the related Lead.
Conversation__cMode__cModeThis field contains the value of the Mode. The value can be: Auto or Manual.
Conversation__cNew_Count__cNew CountThis field contains the value of the count of new incoming messages.
Conversation__cObject__cObjectThis field contains the name of the Primary Object of Conversation.
Conversation__cPurpose__cPurposeThis field contains the purpose of Conversation.
Conversation__cState__cStateThis field contains the value of the Conversation status. The value can be: Open or Closed.
Conversation__caccount__caccountThis field contains the ID of the related Account.
Conversation__ccase__ccaseThis field contains the ID of the related Case.
Conversation__cisUnread__cisUnreadThis field identifies if the conversation has unread messages.
Conversation__copportunity__copportunityThis field contains the ID of the related Opportunity.

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