Features Available as per the Selected Plan

The features in the App Navigation bar will vary as per the plan selected. 

The following features will be available depending on the plan that you select:

NoMaster Feature(s) on App NavigationFeature(s)Start Your Conversation plan availabilityGrow Your Conversation plan availability
1Converse SettingsPlan selectionYesYes
Basic ComplianceYes (Basic Compliance)Yes (Basic + advanced Compliance)
User ManagementYes (Basic user licenses)Yes (Power User licenses)
SenderID AssignmentYesYes
Check readinessYesYes
2Converse HomePlan managementYesYes
Analytics dashboardsYesYes
Notification component              (Lightning Notification component)YesYes
3Converse templatesAllYesYes
4  Converse AppsCreate & AdministratorYesYes
Execute actions & view analytic of the appsYesYes
5Campaign ManagerAllYesYes
6Converse deskAllNoYes
7Converse inboxConversation viewYesYes
8Message notifications(Lightning experience) Utility BarNo, includes only the notification component Yes
9Send a single SMSYesYes
10Bulk SMS CampaignsYesYes

1. In case of an upgrade to V1.62, the existing tabs on the screen will not disappear and remain functional as they were earlier.

2. If you have installed the SMS-Magic Converse App for the first time with the latest version (v1.62), the Converse home will open with the App Navigation bar.

3. Converse templates and the Campaign Manager tab will not be available in the App Navigation view, this will be available as a tab separately.

4. If you have upgraded the SMS-Magic Converse app or newly installed this version i.e. v1.62 with the app navigation bar, your SF1 mobile app will not be affected. You can work with the SF1 mobile app without the default App Navigation view.

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