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Exporting Campaign Statistics

You can export the data of Campaign Statistics as per your requirement by creating a custom report using objects Converse Campaign and Recurring Statistics. Following is the step-by-step process for the same.

Create Report Type

  1. Click on Setup. For classic click on Setup and for lightning click on Gear Icon ⚙️ > Setup.
  2. In Setup search for Report Types.
  3. Click on New Custom Report Type
  4. In step one: Define the Custom Report Type
  • Select Primary Object as Converse Campaigns
  • Give any value to Report Type Label and Report Type Name
  • Add Description
  • Select Store in Category as Administrative Reports
  • In Deployment Status select Deployed
  • Click Next
Define Custom Report type
  1. In step two: Define Report Records Set
  • Click on Click to relate another object.
  • Select another object as Recurring Statistics.
  • Select A to B Relationship as “A” records may or may not have related “B” records.
  • Click Save.
Define Report Record Type

Create Custom Report

  1. Go to the Reports tab.
  2. Click on New Report.
  3. In Report Type, search the report type that you have created earlier in the above steps.
  4. Select the report type and click create/continue.
Create New Custom Report
  1. You will land on the report creation page. Here you have to choose desired columns that you want in your report.
  2. First Click on Remove All Columns Option. This will remove all columns from the report.
Custom Report Remove all columns
  1. Next, in the quick find box of the Field section, search for Converse Campaign ID.
Drag and Drop Fields in report
  1. Similarly, do the same for the following fields. (follow steps 7 and 8)
Converse CampaignName Name of the Campaign
Converse CampaignConverse Campaign IDID of the Campaign 
Recurring StatisticsRecurring Statistics IDID of the Recurring Campaign
Converse CampaignConverse Template: Converse Template NumberTemplate used for the Campaign
Converse CampaignisRecurringDescribes if the Campaign is Recurring
Recurring StatisticsStatusStatus of the Campaign

Converse CampaignFailed ReasonFailed Reason for the failed Campaign
Converse CampaignCreated DateCreated Date of the Campaign
Converse CampaignEnd DateEnd Date of the Campaign
Recurring StatisticsExecuted DateLast Executed Date of the Campaign
Converse CampaignNext Scheduled DateNext Scheduled Date of the Campaign
Converse CampaignObjectObject selected to run the Campaign
Recurring StatisticsTotal RecordsIt is the total number of records that were present in your List view or Report at the time of processing
Recurring StatisticsProcessedIt is the number of valid records processed from List view/ Report to trigger messages. Records that do not have phone field value won’t be processed.
Recurring StatisticsSentIt is the total number of messages sent after processing valid records from the List view/ Report,  excluding messages failed in the system with SMS-History status as ‘ERROR’ or ‘FAILED’.
Recurring StatisticsDeliveredIt is the total number of messages delivered successfully 
Recurring StatisticsResponseIt is the total number of incoming messages received against the delivered messages
Recurring StatisticsResponse RateIt is the percentage of the number of incoming messages received divided by the total delivered messages
Recurring StatisticsCredits ConsumedTotal credits consumed for the Campaign
  1.  You can add Filters from the Filters Section i.e. Range of created dates must be from <x> to <y>.
Select Date Range
  1. Click on Run Report.
  2. Click on Save As.
  3. Add Report Name, Report Description, Report Unique Name, Report Folder, and click on Save.
  4. Your report is saved now.
  5. You can customize it again by clicking on your Report and clicking on Customize.
  6. To Export your report data in Excel form, click on Export Details.
Export Report Data
  1. Select desired Export File Encoding and Export File Format and click on Export.
Select encoding and export type

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.