Domain Registration (Required only for Lightning users)

SMS-Magic Converse supports both Classic and Lightning Users. You must register a My Domain Subdomain to use Lightning Experience.

Register a My Domain Subdomain

To access SMS-Magic Converse on Lightning, you must have My Domain enabled. It enables you to use Lightning components in Lightning component tabs, Lightning pages, the Lightning App Builder, or standalone apps. If you don’t enable My Domain, then the custom component cannot be added to other objects’ record page layout and other sections.

To access SMS Magic in Lighting Experience, you must have My Domain enabled. Register a subdomain with the My Domain wizard and then deploy it. For instruction to set up My Domain, see Define Your My Domain Subdomain Name.

Enable Lightning Experience

To use SMS-Magic Converse on Lightning, Lightning Experience must be enabled in your org.

1. From Setup, click Get Started in the Migration Assistant tile at the top of the menu.

2. Choose which features to enable. Consider enabling the recommended supporting features.

3. Enable Lightning Experience.

4. Click Finish Enabling Lightning Experience.

5. In the dropdown below your Salesforce username, click Switch to Lightning Experience.

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