Create an Email Template (Optional)

We are providing a default template for the package users. If you want to create a separate template you can follow the below steps and create your email template as per your requirements:

  1. Click on the ‘Setup’ option
  2. Search ‘Classic Email Templates’ in the Quick Find field and go to that page
  3. Click on the ‘New Template’ button
  4. Select Text in Step 1 and click on the ‘Next’ button
  5. In the ‘Email Template Information Form’ type in a name for the Email Template and a Unique Template Name
  6. Select SMS-Magic Email Templates in the Folder type and also select the checkbox against field Available for Use
  7. Click on the ‘Save’ button to proceed
  1. The same template will start reflecting for the ‘Email Template’ field in the Default Notification settings as well as the Sender ID level notification settings.

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