
Configure Consent Method

You can initiate and respond to messages from multiple messaging sources. As each message has a specific purpose, the need to ensure that consent is received for those messages prior to sending them, is therefore critical.
For example, while sending automated messages or sending messages to multiple recipients it is mandatory that you receive an opt-in request prior to sending. This helps to ensure that your marketing efforts generate positive results.
While sending one-to-one messages, you will not be able to send messages to customers who have explicitly opted-out of your communication strategies.

SMS-Magic Converse helps you configure the consent status needed to send out messages through different interfaces. This is a recommended best practice that all users should follow.

The interfaces that you can configure with these consent status can be categorized based on the type of messages that they are used for sending. The Consent status can be selected from the drop-down list placed below each category name. These are as follows:

Automated Conversations – All sources like Converse Apps and Process builders that help you send automated messages.

Bulk Conversations – All sources like Record list view, Campaign Managers, reports and Salesforce Campaigns  that help you send bulk messages.

Interactive Conversations –  All sources like the Send Message window in Converse Desk, Converse Inbox and Record View that help you send one-to-one messages to a single customer.

Create Content Type

The section also allows you to configure keywords for Content types. Content types are a good way to ensure that you design your marketing efforts with an intent to keep reaping benefits.
A content type can be based on your specific area of business. For example, as a member of the marketing team, you may create content-type messages for product and service promotions.
When you define Content types you can also define keywords specific to those keywords. This is a definite advantage as the keywords are applicable only for messages sent for that content-type.
This means that you can continue reaching out to customers with specific content-type messages if required.
It is mandatory to tag a content type to a template for sending messages. A Template is a pre-defined and pre-approved format that is used to send out your messages. You can define both templates and keywords for a specific content-type. These can be configured in this step of the compliance configuration process.
It is recommended that you create a content-type for receiving opt-in requests to achieve the best results for your marketing efforts.

This section helps you do the following:

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.