Compliance Enforcement Stats
This dashboard will show you the compliance enforcement metric displaying how many times it stopped messages being sent to opted-out numbers and what it means in monetary terms.

a. Filter
It is a top-level filter to handle the analysis date range. The filter is on ‘message sent date’ i.e. all the further analysis is done on the records where the message sent date is within the filter date range.
The current version supports two filters:
- last 7 days
- last 30 days
b. Messages Sent
This section of the dashboard shows the analysis based on the sent/outgoing messages.
- Messages Sent – Shows the total count of outgoing messages that includes the number of sent and blocked messages due to opt-out consent.
- Blocked for opt-out – Shows the total count of blocked messages from going out of Salesforce as there was an opt-out consent present against the recipient phone number. The percentage representation is a ratio of blocked messages to total sent messages.
c. Unique Numbers Contacted
This section of the dashboard shows the analysis based on the sent/outgoing messages.
- Contacts Message – Shows the count of phone numbers to which outgoing messages were sent. This means the count of all the unique numbers on which the outgoing messages were attempted. It includes all the unique opt-out contacts as well.
- Blocked for opt-out – Shows the total count of unique phone numbers to which outgoing messages were blocked due to their opt-out consent.
d. Consent Breach Avoided- Content Type
For every content type the ratio of “blocked outgoing messages” to “total messages sent” is displayed in org column and the ratio of “successfully sent messages” to “total messages sent“ is displayed in the blue column. The total volume of outgoing messages (blocked + actually sent) as Data Points (Stars) on the secondary Y-axis.
e. Consent Breach Avoided
When an outgoing message is blocked due to opt-out, it’s a “Consent Breach Avoided”.
For every number where consent breach is avoided is counted and grouped based on the number of times of the consent breach is avoided.
E.g. for a number x, which opted-out, yet if you tried to send the message to the same number twice. Both the messages would be blocked due to opt-out consent. Thus the consent breach is avoided two times. The number x is now counted as part of the second column (‘Second time’) of the graph.