
The global navigation bar gives you a single tab to display different dashboards and charts.

The 4 dashboards included in this section are:-

1. Consent Status dashboard

The Consent Status dashboard displays the overall consent status at the org level. It shows the number of known contacts against configured messaging objects who have provided the consent to receive messages. The displayed data is fetched in real-time. 

2. Opt-out Analysis

The Opt-out Analysis dashboard shows the analysis for opted out numbers based on different dimensions, such as numbers opting out from different types of content, messaging sources, etc. The displayed data is not real-time. It is last updated based upon the batch processing schedule time that you have configured.

3. Compliance Enforcement

The Compliance Enforcement dashboard displays information about the compliance enforcement metric with respect to the number of times the opt-out compliance was enforced and sending of messages was blocked. The displayed data is not real-time. It is last updated based upon the batch processing schedule time that you have configured.

4. Agent Productivity

The Agent Productivity dashboard is visible to administrators only. The admin can view an agent’s progress based on conversation status, response time, pending replies from the agent, and customers. The measurements are filtered based on the owner of the conversation and represented in a tabular format. The displayed data is not real-time. It is last updated based upon the batch processing schedule time that you have configured.

  1. Among the aforementioned dashboards, only the Consent Status dashboard will show you the real-time data. The Opt-out analysis, Compliance Enforcement stats, and Agent Productivity dashboards are not real-time dashboards. Data in these dashboards will get updated daily or monthly depending on the schedule configurations that you choose. Please refer to the steps mentioned in the last section for scheduling a batch for consent compliance, opt-out analysis, and agent productivity dashboards data.
  2. These dashboards will not be available for customers using the old compliance configuration set up. Although, the Agent Productivity dashboard will be available to both customers using either old compliance or the new compliance.

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