Add Message Flow

  1. On the Campaign Builder page, under Converse App, click Select. The Converse apps assigned to your Organization appears.

  2. Hover over the Converse App and then click Modify. The Modify Converse App page appears.

  3. Click Add Flow to add another message flow. The new message flow edit area appears.

  4. Click the edit area. The New Message Flow section appears.

  5. Enter the details to create a new message flow. Refer to the following table for more details on the individual field descriptions.
    Flow type In the drop-down list, select the type of message flow you want.
    Keyword Enter the keyword for the message flow.This is required only for the Auto-Reply and Notification to User flow type.
    Name Enter the name of the flow.
    Description Enter a short description of the flow.
    Phone Fields Select the mobile phone number.This is required for the Automation flow type.
    Sender ID Click to add the Sender ID from the drop-down list that appears.
    Message Flow Trigger Click to define the message flow trigger.
    Template Click to select the template for the message flow.
  6. Click Create. The new flow is added to the app and appears as shown.

    You can modify the message flow status defined in Converse Apps from the Campaign Manager interface. Click Draft and select the appropriate status from the drop-down list to update the message flow status. The available options are:
    • Draft – This is the default status when you save a message flow.
    • Paused – This will pause the actions before completion.
    • Archive – This will archive all actions in the message flow.

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