Mobile App Salesforce

  • Getting Started (1 Article)

    Welcome to SMS-Magic Converse! We empower your business to connect with your customers, convert more leads, and exceed client expectations with conversational messaging. This guide talks about how to start conversing with your customers through the SMS-Magic Mobile app on Salesforce.

  • About SMS-Magic Mobile App (5 Articles)
  • Setup and Configuration (5 Articles)

    The setup, installation, and sign-in process of the SMS-Magic app for Salesforce is simple. You can install the SMS-Magic mobile app by downloading from Google Play Store for Android or Apple App Store for iOS and experience seamless messaging with your customers.

  • Initiate New Message/ Conversations (5 Articles)
  • Manage Conversations (6 Articles)

    The SMS-Magic mobile app allows you to manage the conversations with your customers either by manually typing a message or by using a message template.

  • Multichannel Messaging on SMS-Magic Mobile App (4 Articles)

    With multichannel messaging enabled on the SMS-Magic Mobile App, you can now converse with your customers seamlessly via Facebook, WhatsApp, Line, Viber, SMS, and MMS. Enjoy continued, personalized communication with your customers or prospects, regardless of the channel you choose. Your audience expects a personalized experience, and that’s what multichannel messaging helps you do.

    Here are some of the key features of multichannel messaging that you can enjoy with the SMS-Magic Mobile App:
    You see all messaging interactions as a single, continuing conversation, blending all message types. This means you can quickly respond to your customer queries with relevant information, using the channel that your customers prefer.
    See a complete history of all messaging conversations, including all messages from standard and custom Salesforce objects.
    Measure your messaging ROI, delivery rate, reps productivity, and more
    Reps and users see a single continuing conversation, blending messages from WhatsApp, Facebook, Line, Viber, MMS, and SMS

  • Push Notifications and Alerts (1 Article)
  • CRM Details (1 Article)
  • Search and Filter (2 Articles)
  • Manage Templates (1 Article)

    All the message templates that the organization has created in the CRM or customer portal are visible in the SMS-Magic mobile application. Users can use these templates that include text, the recipient’s first name, or any other custom fields ensuring consistent replies across the business.

  • Manage Contacts (1 Article)
  • Support Salesforce Custom & Standard Objects (1 Article)
  • Menu Options (5 Articles)

    The ‘Menu’ option allows users to manage their profile, manage message templates, access the help and support section, refresh message objects, refresh Sender IDs, set the Date and Time format, and logout from the mobile app.

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