
59. Can we use a custom email template for an incoming SMS alert?

Yes, we can use a custom email template for an incoming SMS alert.

60. Can we create reports by extracting data (like mobile number, sent status, delivery status) from all the people to whom we sent messages from Salesforce?

Yes, we can create the report on SMS History object by referring the fields mobile number, sent status, delivery status and so on.

61. Is it possible to create a group and send them messages? Is it possible to save this group for reuse?

Yes you can create groups. Though you cannot reuse groups, however, if a custom list is created as per their condition, on the object, you can send bulk messages to those list of records selected from the List view.

62. Do all the users assigned to the Sender ID get the Incoming message email or is the last person who sent them the only recipient?

All incoming notifications in the managed package can be defined under Converse Settings. You can configure the settings to allow email alerts for incoming notification to be sent to the last sender or the user to whom the Sender ID is assigned. This is the default setting the app offers.

In addition to this, we can also customize the configurations for alert notifications on Incoming messages based on individual requirement.

63. Can we create a new case on receiving incoming message?

No, this works as per the incoming SMS notification which is configured from the Converse settings tab.

64. Can we update a field on receiving incoming response?

Yes. Using Salesforce’s process builder tool we can update a field on receiving incoming response.

65. We have setup a new Salesforce org. How can we get our SMS-Magic account ID and credits transferred to the new Org?

Every instance of Salesforce has a unique SMS-Magic account ID. Therefore, you will need a fresh installation of SMS-Magic application in the new Salesforce org.

Raise a case by sending email at care@screen-magic.com with the following details of the new and old org –

  • Salesforce Org ID
  • SMS-Magic Account ID

We will transfer Incoming Numbers, SMS Credits to the new Salesforce and the SMS-Magic account ID.

66. How to Send Bulk SMS from the Object list view?

There are two options for sending bulk SMS from object list view –

  1.  With the help of Send Bulk SMS button, you can send/schedule SMS from the object list view.
  2. Using Converse App Bulk Action you can send/schedule bulk SMS from the object list view.

67. How to resend failed outbound message?

Follow the given procedure to resend failed messages:

  • Under SMS History object, check the Sent Status field for the SMS.
  • If the sent status of the SMS displays Failed, select all such failed SMS from the list view.
  • Click Resend SMS list button to resend these SMS.

 If SMS delivery fails due to insufficient SMS credits, customers can recharge their SMS-Magic account and raise a case to resend failed SMS. Our Customer Success team can help you in the process if you provide them with the following details –

  •  The preferred date range for sending the SMS
  • Your account ID.

68. Why does a message delivery to handset fail ?

The following reasons may be responsible for the failure of message delivery to handset:

  • Mobile Network is not reachable.
  • Mobile can be in roaming state.
  • Invalid Numbers.
  • Incorrect Sender ID.
  • Message Length.
  • Filtered Content.
  • Provider related issues.
  • Issues with Salesforce SMS History records.

69. How to configure/create SMS Templates for custom objects or standard objects other than Lead & Contact?

You can create templates on any objects, standard or custom. However, prior to creating templates you will have to configure the objects in the Message Object Configuration under Converse Settings. You will need relevant permission to create custom objects. Ensure that all permissions are added to your user profile. Refer to the section on Add New Object under Message Configuration in the SMS-Magic Converse Guide for Salesforce Admin to know more about Message Object Configuration.

Once you have added the object, you can use it to create templates. Refer to the section on Create Converse Template in the SMS-Magic Converse Guide Salesforce Users.

70. How to get the standard UK format of DD/MM/YYYY for date fields in templates?

Dates can be stored in various formats in the Salesforce org according to the user’s preference & country. Though you see the date in your preferred format, it will be fetched with the code in the standard format of “YYYY-MM-DD” only (it gets automatically converted to the above-mentioned format and cannot be changed).
However, there is a solution for accessing the date field in the preferred format in SMS Template.

Create a new formula field, of type Text, on the same object.The Formula value should be –
TEXT( DAY(Date Field)) & “/” & TEXT(MONTH(Date Field)) & “/”& TEXT(YEAR(Date Field)).
This field will store the text version of Date Field in dd/mm/yyyy format. You can use this formula field in SMS Template in place of the Date field and view results as per your requirement.

71. How can I use the fields of Lead Owner in an SMS template?

The Lead owner is of data type Lookup (User,Queue) due to which we cannot use Lead owner information directly as merge fields in SMS Template. As a workaround for this problem, we suggest that you pull the information (which you want to use in SMS Template) of Lead owner on the Lead record itself by using formula fields. You can then use these formula fields in the SMS Template.

72. How to fetch logged in user details in SMS Template?

While setting up the SMS Template follow the given procedure:

  1. 1Click Insert merge field.
  2. Select the User option.
  3. Add the required user field in the SMS template.

73. There is a difference in the event time (by 1 hour) sent through SMS and the actual time. For example, if event start time is 6 pm and end time 9pm, the SMS time displayed is 7pm and 10pm, what can be the reason?

This seems to be due to the Daylight savings time. We query the date and time field from Salesforce database and display the same while resolving merge fields (we do not make any changes explicitly).

When Daylight savings time starts, you will see a 1-hour difference because Salesforce automatically adjusts the timezone.

In this case, you need to update the user’s timezone. Please change the Timezone in Salesforce and let Salesforce handle everything.

75. How to setup new sender Id from SMS-Magic Converse?

Refer to the section on Add Sender ID in SMS-Magic Converse Guide for Salesforce Admin.

76. Can I use Sender Id as company name and still receive response on incoming number?

Sender IDs are governed by country-specific restrictions. You can configure the Company name as a Sender ID only if the country in which your business is operating, permits it. 

77. How to set the sender Id specific to users so that only the sender Id assigned to the user should be visible to him while sending messages?

You need to configure Sharing Settings if you wish to restrict the user from viewing any sender ID other than his own.

78. Who are your customers and how are they using your App?

Our customers are spread across the Globe and are part of different industry verticals (real estate, health care, finance, education, no-profit etc).

Customers use our app for their varied use cases. As every requirement varies from one customer to the other we customize our app to meet this diverse need. Some of the business use cases include:

  • Nurture Leads
  • Capture CSATs
  • Send Marketing Messages
  • Send OTP via SMS
  • Send SMS on case or lead creation
  • Conduct one to one conversations with their customers
  • Send SMS for job postings – This use case is primarily generated by Customers in the Recruitment sector.

79. Why am I getting an error “URL No Longer Exists” while accessing the Visualforce page?

When you add a conversation view to the page layout and try to access it, you may get the error “URL No Longer Exists” One of the possible reasons may be that Clickjack Protection for Visualforce page is enabled for your Org.

To check if Clickjack is enabled:

  1. On the Setup page, search for Security.
  2. Under Platform Encryption, click Sessions Settings.
  3. Under Clickjack Protection, check whether the following two check boxes are enabled:
  • Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with standard headers; and
  • Enable clickjack protection for customer Visualforce pages with headers disabled is enabled.


If Clickjack protection is enabled, follow the given process to resolve the error:

  1. On the Setup page, search for Visualforce.
  2. On the Visualforce page, search for the visualforce page for which you want to resolve the error.
  3. Click Edit.
  4. Modify the following attribute in the first line applyHtmlTag =”false”
Refer the URL shown below for more details: https://help.salesforce.com/articleView?id=000230608&type=1

80. How can I send automated SMS when a Task is created in Salesforce?

If you would like to send an automated SMS when a new task is created or edited to meet certain criteria, then you need to create the process builder to meet this requirement.

82. How to restrict SenderID/Template for a particular user profile?

To enable Template/SenderID restriction for a particular user, we can create a group of users and restrict the access of SMS Sender ID and SMS Template objects to those particular groups only. Follow the given procedure to restrict access for Sender ID/Template:

  1. Create two records in these objects (based on the country).
  2. Create a group of users based on the privileges that you want to provide.
  3. Go to Setup.
  4. Under Administration Setup, click Manage Users
  5. Under Public Groups, Click New Button.
  6. In search drop-down list select User (if you would like to do it on the basis of users)/Role and Internal Subordinates.
  7. Click Save.
  8. From Setup, access the Administration Setup
  9. Click Security Control and then click Sharing Settings.
  10. On the SMS Template Sharing Rules/SMS SenderID Sharing rules page click New.
  11. Give this rule a unique and self-explanatory name.
  12. Under Select your rule type, select Based on Criteria.
  13. Under Select which record to be shared select SMS template name “starting with” “template name (starting with the country name)”
  14. In “Select the user to share with“.
  15. .Select “Public groups” and then select the group which you have created in step 2.
  16. .Under Sharing Setting, click Default Sharing setting and then click Edit.
  17. .Change the default access for “SMS Template”/”SMS SenderID” object to “Private“. This will change the accessibility settings for all the templates/senderIDs.

83. How to check if necessary permissions required for triggering the SMS on Jungo Lead creation, exist for Guest User?

A User with Guest User license creates Jungo Leads. As per the setting SMS user needs to be sent on lead creation. However the SMS is not sent. In order to troubleshoot such an issue, follow the given steps :

  1. 1Check if task is getting created on lead creation. If task is not created check to see if the XML configuration and the workflow rule/process builder is configured correctly. Also check if the rule is active and the record meets all the criteria mentioned in the rule for the action to be triggered.
  2. If the task is created and still the SMS is not sent, follow these steps:
  • Check object level permission –
    We need to check if the Guest user has object level permission on Jungo Leads. Follow the given procedure to grant object level permission to Guest User for Jungo Leads object:
  1. Log in with System Administrator’s subscriber access.
  2. On the Setup page type Users in Quick Find/Search.
  3. Click the Username of the Guest User and select his Profile.
  4. Click Edit on the Profile and scroll down to Custom Object Permissions section.
  5. Grant ReadCreate and Edit permissions on Jungo Leads object on the profile.
  6. Click Save.
  • To check if this permission is enabled on the profile, we can provide the customer with the following snippet and ask them to run the snippet in workbench to see if the user has object level access:
DescribeSObjectResult result = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(‘‘).getDescribe();
System.debug(‘Object Accessible:’+result.isAccessible());
System.debug(‘Object Createable:’+result.isCreateable());
System.debug(‘Object Updateable:’+result.isUpdateable());
System.debug(‘Object Deleteable:’+result.isDeletable());
for (Schema.Sobjectfield obj : result.fields.getMap().values()) {
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fldResult = obj.getDescribe();
System.debug(‘Field Name:’+fldResult.getLabel()+’;\tField Accessible:’+fldResult.isAccessible()+’;\tField Createable:’+fldResult.isCreateable()+’;\tField Updateable:’+fldResult.isUpdateable());
  • Check Field Level Permission

Check whether the Guest User has access to all the fields on Jungo Leads object. Follow the given procedure to check for Field level permissions:

  1. On the Setup page type Users in Quick Find/Search.
  2. Click the Username of Guest User and select Profile of that user.
  3. On the Profile, scroll down to the Field-Level Security section and click View next to the Jungo Leads object.
  4. Click Edit button and grant Edit Access to all the fields wherever applicable.
    Read Access will be granted by default on system generated and formula fields.
  5. Click Save.
  • Check Record Level Permission
    We also need to check whether the Guest user has record level accessibility for a particular Jungo Lead record. In order to do that, we need to check Sharing Settings for Jungo Leads in the Org. If the Sharing Setting is set to Private then we need to create a Jungo Lead sharing rule in order to grant access to the user. Follow the given procedure to create a Sharing rule on Jungo Leads:
  1. On the Setup page type Public Groups in Quick Find/Search.
  2. Create a new Public Group which consists of the Guest User so that we can share records with this Public group.
  3. Once the group is created, Under Sharing Setting scroll down to the Jungo Leads Sharing Rules section.
  4. Click New to create a new sharing rule and enter the criteria for sharing records with the Guest User.
  5. Click Save and the sharing settings of the Org will be recalculated.

This will help in resolving the issue if Jungo Leads are getting created but the SMS is not sent as Guest User does not have necessary permissions.

84. Do you have a SQL script to check the permissions for all the fields belonging to a particular object?

Please use the following code snippet in the workbench to check whether any object and its fields have all the relevant permissions.

Workbench link: https://workbench.developerforce.com/login.php

DescribeSObjectResult result = Schema.getGlobalDescribe().get(‘‘).getDescribe();
System.debug(‘Object Accessible:’+result.isAccessible());
System.debug(‘Object Createable:’+result.isCreateable());
System.debug(‘Object Updateable:’+result.isUpdateable());
System.debug(‘Object Deleteable:’+result.isDeletable());
for (Schema.Sobjectfield obj : result.fields.getMap().values()) {
Schema.DescribeFieldResult fldResult = obj.getDescribe(); System.debug(‘Field Name:’+fldResult.getLabel()+’;\tField Accessible:’+fldResult.isAccessible()+’;\tField Createable:’+fldResult.isCreateable()+’;\tField Updateable:’+fldResult.isUpdateable()); }

85. How to enable access to SMS-Magic Interact for a newly created profile?

Here is the list of different categories where you should provide the complete access to all the objects belonging to SMS- Magic Interact application:

  • Apex class permissions
  • VF page permissions (To be able to send SMS)
  • Custom permissions (to enable the Send SMS buttons for these profiles)
  • Object permissions for all the objects belonging to SMS-Magic Interact.

To enable this:

  1. Under Setup click Manage.
  2. Click Profiles and make the necessary changes.

Owing to lack of permissions, sometimes SMS records are created in SMS History tab. However, the messages are not delivered to the handset. This issue occurs when the user who is trying to send the SMS, does not have the permission to edit the objects (highlighted in Bold) in the list mentioned below:

The Object Name:

  1. Action On Incoming SMS
  2. Error Log
  3. Filter Setting
  4. Incoming Alert Configuration
  5. Incoming Lookup
  6. Incoming MMS Detail
  7. Incoming SMS
  8. LV MMS Detail
  9. List View Configuration
  10. List View Execution
  11. MMS Detail
  12. Optout Settings
  13. SMS Alert
  14. SMS Batch Execution Tracker
  15. SMS History
  16. SMS Schedule
  17. SMS SenderId
  18. SMS Template
  19. SMS Template Type
  20. Scheduled SMS
  21. SenderId Profile Map

 The Custom Setting Name:

  1. Accessible Channels
  2. Acknowledgment Popup Setting
  3. Conversation View Setting
  4. Duration To View History For Incoming
  5. SMS Magic Package Type
  6. SMS Magic Security Setting
  7. SMS Magic SetUp Tracker
  8. SMS Magic URL Setting
  9. Update Related List On Lead Conversion

If the user has a pre-configured template, they also need to have complete access to the Dynamic fields used in the SMS template.

Please check the profile of the user and the field-level access of this profile to the above-mentioned objects. You can do the same by following the below steps:

  1. Under Setup, click Manage Users and then Profiles.
  2. Select the Profile and edit it.
  3. Under the Custom object permissions section, enable the View all and Modify all permission for three objects mentioned above
  4. Click Save.

If the above settings have been done and the user still cannot send an SMS successfully, please check the field-level security permissions for the objects (SMS History, SMS SenderIDs, and SMS templates) as well.

  • Go to Setup -> Create -> Objects -> Select the object
  • In the “Custom fields and relationships” section, check that the fields have the access “Field-level accessibility” to the User profile in the picture.

Once all these settings are taken care of, the User will be able to send the SMS successfully.

You can also grant the permission set to the user by following the procedure mentioned below –

  1. Under Setup, click Administration.
  2. Under Manage Users, click Users.
  3. Click the user for which you wish to grant/revoke permission set.
  4. Look for the Permission Set Assignment and then edit that permission set
  5. You will be able to see SMS Converse Permission Set under Available Sets.
  6. Add the SMS Converse Permission Set to the column Enabled Permission Sets.
  7. Click Save to save the changes.
A user can send out an SMS even when this permission set is not allotted to him, provided he is manually given permission to send out messages.

86. Do you store messages on your Server? Are you GDPR Compliant?

We have the data stored in one of the two servers i.e. the U.S. or Ireland (for EU region). Yes, we are GDPR Compliant.

87. Does SMS-Magic Work with Salesforce Campaigns?

Yes. You can start an SMS Campaign with the help of Run SMS Campaign button available on the Campaign Page layout. However, note that you can send messages to Leads and Contacts only. The campaign reach is limited to upto 50k records at a time.

88. How to send Auto Reply on receiving Incoming SMS?

You can follow the given procedure to send an auto reply on Incoming SMS:

  1. Create a Converse App Action through Converse App by selecting all the necessary parameters i.e. senderID, phone field, SMS Text etc.
  2. Copy the action key generated
  3. Once the Converse App Action is created, configure a process builder on SMS History object with criteria as ‘Direction is IN’ and specify the text condition where you want the auto reply SMS to go. For e.g. if the Reply is ‘YES’ then specify the condition as SMSText equals YES.
  4. In the immediate action, select create a record – > Converse App Task.
  5. Paste the action key (copied earlier) in the automated key reference section and pass the lookup of the object so the outgoing messages are linked with the respective record.

90. A user is receiving an error “You do not have permission to access fields of User object. Please contact admin. You do not have permission to access Profile object. Please contact admin.” How can we resolve this?

To resolve the error notifications, do one of the following:

  • If the user is a “System Administrator” – Set “Customize Application” permission for this profile from “Administrative Permissions–> Customize Application” as true.
  • If the user is not a “System Administrator” – Set “View Setup and Configuration” permission for this profile from “Administrative Permissions–> View Setup and Configuration” as true .

91. Whenever we try and save any changes made to any profile, then we get the error Permission depends on read access for SMS History object, Incoming SMS object, List View Configurations. Please explain why?

This is a Salesforce error and appears because your profile is missing the required permissions. These permissions have a dependency on several other permissions which are already active for your profile. Refer to our Troubleshooting Guide for more details on resolving this issue.

92. “Customer Portal Super user” profile and “Customer Portal Manager / Custom User License” profile is not able to send SMS using the SMS-Magic application due to missing permissions. Which permission should I assign?

The Customer Portal Super User and Customer Portal Manager profiles need to be provided with access permissions at three levels in order to resolve this issue:

  • Access to Page Layout for SMS Magic Buttons:
    Buttons cannot be assigned to a profile. Therefore, they are added to a layout. In order to access these buttons, Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager users should be able to access that particular page layout. Page layout assignment for the Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager user can be defined on their profile.
  • Provide access to SMS Magic Objects, VF pages, Triggers and FLS permissions:
    Salesforce Admin should provide the Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager users with access to the SMS-Magic objects. Along with this, access should also be provided to the SMS-Magic Visualforce pages and triggers. This ensures that Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager user has full access to SMS-Magic application.
  • Field Level Security Permissions:
    The Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager user should also have field level security permission on individual fields in order to send and receive SMS.

In addition to granting permissions to object, all fields of the object should be granted the same level of permissions.

For example: To send SMS, Customer Portal Super user Profile and Customer Portal Manager user should have create and update permission to SMS History object and all fields of SMS history object.

The table below provides further details on objects:

FunctionalityRead PermissionCreate PermissionEdit Permission
Send SMSSender ID Profile Map
SMS Sender Ids
SMS Templates
Object on which SMS is sent
SMS HistorySMS History
View Incoming SMSIncoming SMSN/AN/A
Create TemplatesSMS Templates
SMS Template Types
Object associated with template and fields used in template
SMS Template
SMS Template Types
SMS Template
SMS Template Types

93. Is it necessary to add country code? What is the standard mobile format to be followed for sending messages?

If you are sending messages to more than one country, the country settings needs to set to ALL . It is also necessary to add the country code as a prefix to the mobile number.

The standard mobile format for sending messages is shown below –


Where 1 is the country code.

94. Can I use my Mobile Number for Texting?

Currently, It is not possible to use your mobile number to send messages.

All messages are sent with SMS-Magic connections. However, in the USA, it is possible to use your mobile number as Sender ID by getting the number text enabled.

The text enabling of such numbers will be done by SMS-Magic once you raise a request with us . We provide you with an LOA form which you can sign and fill out with the number you want to get text enabled and we can raise it with the providers for the same.

  • The text enabling might take up to 2 business days starting from the day we receive the LOA from you.
  • We can only text enable your existing landline or VOIP number or provide you with a number from our end so that if someone responds back to this number, it will be recorded in your CRM.
  • We can also enable call forwarding on this number so that if someone calls, it will be forwarded to your cell phone number.

95. How does the Converse App Integrate with Process Builder?

User can trigger further messages from a Process Builder by Using the Action Key generated for each message in a Converse App message flow . The triggering of the messages are based on certain criteria and conditions. You can create Converse App Task as an action and pass an Action Key for the message as a parameter while creating the same from Process builder.

96. Can I mask my number while sending messages?

No, number masking is not possible. Also, senderID restriction for every country differs from country to country.

97. How does the app relate the incoming messages to records in Salesforce ?

There are 2 ways in which Incoming gets associated with Salesforce records:

  • Whenever you send a message to a new record, a Conversation Record gets created. Conversation is Parent Object to SMS History. Once the message is sent it will be attached to that Conversation. If you get a reply from that mobile number we check the Mobile Number and Sender id on the Conversation Object and attach it to the last created Conversation if there is any. If there is no Conversation for the Mobile Number and Sender id combination a new Conversation Record is created.
  • Whenever a new incoming message is received, we check if this message is a response to an existing outgoing messages based on Phone number and sender ID. If there are more than one such outgoing messages, we consider the response to be for the latest outgoing message. This message is looked up as previous message. If a previously sent outgoing message is found, we associate the incoming message with the same conversation as the previous outgoing message. If a previous message is not found, we find the number in all objects configured in Object Config and populate a lookup of all such objects. After this, our application applies a logic to identify the primary object to which this message should be associated with. Finally, a conversation is created / associated for the incoming message based on Phone Number, Sender ID, Primary Object, Primary Object ID and User criteria. If an existing conversation exists where all the 5 attributes match the incoming message, it is used to associate the new incoming message. If no such conversation exists, a new conversation is created.

Conversations in SMS-Magic Converse are created in the following way:

When an Outgoing message is sent if there are no Conversations with the same Mobile number, Sender ID, Owner ID, Object and record ID a new Conversation will get created. If there is an existing Conversation Record, the Outgoing message will get attached to it. If any of the value (Mobile number, Sender ID, Owner ID, Object and record ID) changes, a new Conversation record will get created.

Similarly when you receive an incoming message, if there is a Conversation Record with the Mobile number and Sender ID it will get attached to it. If there is no Conversation it will create a new one.

98. Can we use our own number for texting ?

Yes. We have the ability to support Bring Your Own Numbers (only for the U.S. as of now).