How do long numbers, short codes, 10DLC, and toll-free numbers differ?

Short code is a 4 to 6-digit number used by businesses for global non-consumer (A2P) messaging. These are ideal for Enterprise level, large-scale, unlimited customer bases and are generally used for marketing blasts, one-time passwords, fraud alerts, and more. Ex.: 156762

10DLC – is the industry-led long code solution for non-consumer (A2P) messaging. These are ideal for localized, in-branch or in-store, smaller, segmented customer bases and are used for chat (text and voice), event-based interactions, service updates, and appointment reminders. Ex.: +1 415 123 2678

A toll-free number (8XX), which has been text-enabled, was available for voice calls. These are ideal for enterprise-level or localized, large-scale or in-branch, low messaging volumes, and used for customer service chat (text and voice) customer feedback, notifications, and updates. Ex.: 1 (800) 227-4567

Refer to this link to know more.

Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.