- Click on ‘Contacts’ under converse apps on the following page will appear:

- Click on ‘Automation‘ on contact the following page will appear:

Here, you can click on the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the blank automation flow from converse apps.
Here, you can click on the ‘Delete’ icon to delete the blank automation flow from converse apps.
Error Log Objects
Use Case | Which type of Template? | How to set up? |
Thomas as service agents uses only predefined templates on case object with contact name from the contact object | Single Object Template | Setup case as Primary object and Name and Phone field on Contact ID -> Full Name in MOC |
Henry is a recruiter and he wants to send job offers information to his students object records | Cross Object Template | Setup Students as Primary Object and Job Offers as information Object in MOC |
<!-- wp:table {"hasFixedLayout":true,"className":"is-style-stripes"} -->
<table class="wp-block-table has-fixed-layout is-style-stripes"><tbody><tr><td><strong>Use Case</strong></td><td><strong>Which type of Template?</strong></td><td><strong>How to set up?</strong></td></tr><tr><td>Lorem Ipsum Sit Amat </td><td>Single Object Template</td><td>Lorem Ipsum Sit Amat</td></tr><tr><td>Lorem Ipsum Sit Amat</td><td>Cross Object Template</td><td>Lorem Ipsum Sit Amat</td></tr></tbody></table>
<!-- /wp:table -->
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Image cover example
# Python3 program to add two numbers
number1 = input("First number: ")
number2 = input("\nSecond number: ")
# Adding two numbers
# User might also enter float numbers
sum = float(number1) + float(number2)
# Display the sum
# will print value in float
print("The sum of {0} and {1} is {2}" .format(number1, number2, sum))
Note: Lorem ipsum sit amat.