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Getting Started

Step 1 – Connect With CRM

If you have a Salesforce or Zoho CRM account, you can begin with getting connected to your CRM. If you don’t, you can use our application or make use of SMS-Magic APIs to send out messages.

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If you have signed in using Zoho CRM or Salesforce CRM, your CRM is already connected and you can move on directly to Step 2.

Step 2 – Install

This step is not applicable if you sign in with Google+, Facebook, and Email.


You can install the SMS-Magic application from Zoho Marketplace if it’s not installed. Search SMS-Magic and click on the Install button.


You can install the SMS-Magic application from Salesforce in your Salesforce Org if it’s not installed. Clicking on the ‘Install Now’ button will take you to the Salesforce AppExchange.

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Step 3 – Configure

This step is not applicable if you sign in with Google+, Facebook, Email, and Salesforce.


Visit the links Send Bulk SMS Button and SMS Automation in Zoho User Guide to learn the steps to add and configure Buttons and Webhooks in Zoho CRM.

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Step 4 – SMS Services

On the basis of the countries you chose during the KYC, this section gives information about where you will be able to send/receive messages.

If you are on a Trial of SMS-Magic Portal, you can Send a Test Message and check out how things work. We will take you through managing Coverage and Compliance soon.

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A Sender ID is mandatory for sending out TEST SMS.

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.