Alert and Subscription Management

This section enables you to create alerts based on certain Events or Rule Evaluations. Click on the Alerts button on the Dashboard to move to the Alerts and Subscription Management tab to view and create Alerts. A list of alerts generated is visible in the Alert History tab.

Alerts on an Event

When the selected event occurs, an alert is generated and an email notification is sent to the selected set of users.

Create an Alert on an Event

  1. On the Alerts and Subscription Management screen, click on Add New Alert button.
  2. Select On an Event option.
  3. Enter a name for the Alert.
  4. Select Immediately on event occurrence to receive instant email notifications.
  5. You can also select a time duration (specific hours and days) during which you would like to receive the email notifications of the events.
  6. Select There is an Incoming Message event.
  7. Select the Sender ID.
  8. Select the users who should receive the email notification on the event occurrence. The 2 available options are – Self or Conversation Owner.
  9. Click on Add.
  10. A new Alert is now created in the list of “Alert Subscription
Incoming Notification

Alerts on Rule Evaluation

When a rule condition is evaluated to TRUE an alert is generated and an email notification is sent to the selected set of users.

Create an Alert on Rule Evaluation

  1. On the Alerts and Subscription Management screen, click on Add New Alert button.
  2. Select the On Rule Evaluation option.
  3. Enter a name for the Alert.
  4. Select alert evaluation frequency in the “from” and “to” fields for hourly alerts
  5. Select alert evaluation frequency “at” time for daily and weekly alerts
  6. Select day(s) for sending the alert 
  7. Select “IF” condition
  8. Select “Operator” value
  9. Set the “Trigger” value
  10. Set the value for the “In last” field
  11. Select value for “Hours / Days
  12. Select AND/OR in the Alert you were creating above to add in additional condition and follow step 6 to step 10
  13. Click on the Done button
  14. A new Alert is now created in the list of “Alert Subscription”.
Number of outgoing messagesDisplays the total number of messages sent excluding queued messages (outgoing messages).
Message delivery success rate Displays graphical representation of the rate of successfully delivered messages excluding queued messages.
Total credits usedDisplays the total number of credits used to send messages.
Total number of outgoing messages failed Number of outgoing messages minus the total number of successfully delivered messages.
Number of incoming messagesDisplays the number of incoming messages received and synced successfully with the CRM.
Average Credits used per messageTotal credits used divided by the number of outgoing messages.

Edit an Alert

  1. Click on theicon on the Alert that you would like to edit and click on the Edit button
  2. Select alert evaluation frequency “from” and “to” time for hourly alerts
  3. Select alert evaluation frequency “at” time for daily and weekly alerts
  4. Select day(s) for sending the Alert
  5. Select “IF” condition
  6. Select “Operator” value
  7. Set the “Trigger” value
  8. Set the value for “In last
  9. Select value for “Hours / Days
  10. Select AND/OR in the Alert you were creating above to add in additional condition and follow step 2 to step 9
  11. Click on the Save Changes button

Delete an Alert

  1. Click on the icon on the Alert that you would like to delete and click on the Delete button
  2. Click on the Confirm button and the Alert will be deleted

Note: To disable the alert, click on the toggle adjacent in the alert.

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