Understanding LINE Messaging

LINE messaging is different from other text messaging, with two types of messages; one that lets you reply to incoming messages and events, and the other that lets you initiate the conversation. SMS-Magic only supports Push messages and Multicast messages over LINE for now. Within each of these message categories, there are two message types that SMS-Magic supports; text and media messages.

  • Text Messages – These include text templates and free text messages that you can send to any recipient.
  • Media Messages – These include Media messages that you can send to any recipient as a part of the LINE message. Supported media messages include Images, Videos, Audio with a maximum size of 1MB (This file size limit is imposed with the LINE channel and not SMS-Magic).

LINE Reply Messages

When a person adds your business to their friend list or they send you a message directly, a ‘reply token’ is issued to you. When you have a valid reply token, Line lets you use Reply messages to respond back directly.”

Reply messages are sent in response to recipient actions, such as adding your LINE Official Account as a friend or sending it a message. For events that you can respond to, a reply token is issued for replying to messages. Because the reply token becomes invalid after a certain period of time, responses should be sent as soon as a message is received. Reply tokens can only be used once.

LINE Push Messages

LINE Push messages are messages that you can send to users at any time. Unlike LINE reply messages, LINE push messages do not require a reply token. Following are the different types of Push messages:-

  • Push messages – These are one-to-one messages that can be sent to a user, group, or room at any time.
  • Multicast messages – These are messages that can be sent to multiple LINE recipients at one time. Messages cannot be sent to groups or rooms.

E.g. of Multicast: When you want multiple users who have used a shopping site to be notified of new features at the same time.

  • Narrowcast messages – These are messages that can be sent to multiple recipients at one time.  You can specify recipients using attributes (such as age, gender, OS, and region) or by retargeting (audiences). Messages cannot be sent to groups or rooms. Like Multicast messages, you can send messages to many recipients at one time, but Narrowcast lets you use rules to define the list of recipients.

E.g. of Narrowcast: When you want to gather feedback from your users falling under a particular age group/gender/region.

  • Broadcast messages – These are one-to-many messages that can be sent to all people on the LINE’S official account.

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