
The purpose of this API resource is to send SMS messages in bulk. It does not create records of smsMagicObject inside your Salesforce organization.
The Apex API class contains a pushSMSCallout() static method, which accepts the list of objects in smagicinteract__smsMagic__c and returns a text response.
You can use this API resource as follows:
String responseText = smagicinteract.ApexAPI.pushSMSCallout(smsObjectList);

There are two ways to use PushSMSCallout.
1.When we call from a trigger, it’s necessary to use future annotation
This is necessary because Salesforce does not permit making a callout directly from a trigger. Here is a code example:

trigger SendSmsToContact on Contact (after insert) {
List conList=Trigger.new;
List idList=new List();
for(Contact key:conList){
public class SendSmsToContactHelperClass {
public static void sendSms(List idList){
String query='select id,MobilePhone,Name from Contact where id in : idList';
List conList=Database.query(query);
List smsObjectList = new List();
String templateText = 'test SMS by Screen Magic';
String senderId = 'smsMagic'; // Please replace the 'smsMagic' with your relevant sender ID.
for(Contact contact:conList){
smagicinteract__smsMagic__c smsObject = new smagicinteract__smsMagic__c();
if(contact.MobilePhone != null){
smsObject.smagicinteract__SenderId__c = senderId;
smsObject.smagicinteract__PhoneNumber__c =contact.MobilePhone;
smsObject.smagicinteract__Name__c =contact.Name;
smsObject.smagicinteract__ObjectType__c = 'Contact';
smsObject.smagicinteract__disableSMSOnTrigger__c =1;
smsObject.smagicinteract__external_field__c =
smsObject.smagicinteract__SMSText__c = templateText;
* Note : When you are using pushSMSCallout method to send the SMS
* please make sure that smagicinteract__disableSMSOnTrigger__c
* should have value as 1.
String response = smagicinteract.ApexAPI.pushSMSCallout(smsObjectList);

2. The other way to use PushSMSCallout is a direct callout–when we do not call from a trigger. Here is a code example.
String query='select id,MobilePhone,Name from Contact where id in : idList';
List conList=Database.query(query);
List smsObjectList = new List();
String templateText = 'test SMS by Screen Magic';
String senderId = 'smsMagic'; // Please replace the 'smsMagic' with your relevant sender ID.
for(Contact contact:conList){
smagicinteract__smsMagic__c smsObject = new smagicinteract__smsMagic__c();
if(contact.MobilePhone != null){
smsObject.smagicinteract__SenderId__c = senderId;
smsObject.smagicinteract__PhoneNumber__c =contact.MobilePhone;
smsObject.smagicinteract__Name__c =contact.Name;
smsObject.smagicinteract__ObjectType__c = 'Contact';
smsObject.smagicinteract__disableSMSOnTrigger__c =1;
smsObject.smagicinteract__external_field__c =
smsObject.smagicinteract__SMSText__c = templateText;
* Note : When you are using pushSMSCallout method to send the SMS
* please make sure that smagicinteract__disableSMSOnTrigger__c
* should have value as 1.
String response = smagicinteract.ApexAPI.pushSMSCallout(smsObjectList);

Alternative method for PushSMSCallout
If you do not want to use PushSMSCallout, you can use the SendSMS code of trigger to send out SMS. When you insert an SMSHistory record, it invokes a trigger code – which will send out an SMS message to your recipient. You’ll need to set the value of disablesmsonTrigger to 0.
Below is a sample code.
String query='select id,MobilePhone,Name from Contact where id in : idList';
List conList=Database.query(query);
List smsObjectList = new List();
String templateText = 'test SMS by Screen Magic';
String senderId = 'smsMagic'; // Please replace the 'smsMagic' with your relevant sender ID.
for(Contact contact:conList){
smagicinteract__smsMagic__c smsObject = new smagicinteract__smsMagic__c();
if(contact.MobilePhone != null){
smsObject.smagicinteract__SenderId__c = senderId;
smsObject.smagicinteract__PhoneNumber__c =contact.MobilePhone;
smsObject.smagicinteract__Name__c =contact.Name;
smsObject.smagicinteract__ObjectType__c = 'Contact';
smsObject.smagicinteract__disableSMSOnTrigger__c =0;
smsObject.smagicinteract__external_field__c =
smsObject.smagicinteract__SMSText__c = templateText;

The maximum size of a callout request or response is 3 MB.

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