Push to URL Configuration

Configure Incoming & Delivery Push URL from customer portal and for individual accounts:

Incoming Number Configuration from Customer Portal:
Follow the given procedure to assign Incoming number to your account from the customer portal:
  1. Log in to the customer portal.
  2. On the top menu bar click SMS Services.
  3. In the navigation pane on the right, Under Incoming Numbers, click My Number.
  4. On the My Number page that appears, select the country.
  5. Click Details. The Incoming Number pop up appears.
    incoming number
  6. Under Incoming Configuration, click Add Push URL. A blank text area appears.
  7. Insert any URL to which you want to push your incoming text.
    (e.g. http://api.webhookinbox.com/i/fcL3J7dy/in/)
    incoming configuration
  8. Click Save. All Incoming SMS received on the Portal, is pushed to the assigned URL.
    incoming messenger
  9. The Push to URL status is shown under IncomingSMSHistory(Response) on Customer Portal as shown in screen below.
    SMS details
  10. A sample Push Incoming SMS Request Payload is shown below:

Delivery Configuration of Incoming Number for individual account:
We can set Delivery report URL for Incoming Number per Account.
Incoming Number:
  1. Assign Incoming number to your account from the admin portal.
  2. Log in to the customer portal.
  3. On the top menu bar, click SMS Services.
  4. In the navigation pane on the right, under Incoming Numbers, click My Number.
  5. On the My Number page that appears, select the country.
  6. Click Details. The Incoming Number pop up appears.
    add push url
  7. Under Delivery Configuration, click Add Push URL. The blank text area appears.
    delivery configuration
  8. Insert any URL to which you want to get the Delivery report. (e.g. http://api.webhookinbox.com/i/fcL3J7dy/in/) All Delivery reports for outgoing messages on the Portal, are pushed to assigned URL.
    A sample Push Delivery Report SMS Request Payload :

Refer to the API Doc URL for more details on the functioning of the Incoming SMS Push URL.

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