Version 1.93

Version 1.93.1

Bug fixed

Date: 19th Oct 2021

  • Issue: The customer was facing an issue with the Campaign Manager as it was fetching only 100 records (which needed to be increased). The customer also addressed a few user concerns regarding Campaign Manager 1.90.


The user had the below concerns for the campaign manager 1.90.

  • When the user was creating a campaign by configuring the report, object name, Sender ID & template & was clicking on ‘Save Campaign’ and reopening the campaign by clicking ‘Edit’ from the dropdown, they found out that the report name was not selected. They had to perform the same steps again.
  • When the user was opening the SMS campaign & selecting the ‘Test’ Report, they found that the report name was not showing in the preview. The preview showed an incomplete sentence – “This message will be sent to opted-in records of”
  • While the user was selecting the list view as recipient type in the campaign & selecting any desired list view, the preview box showed the message ‘The Message will be sent to 14 Recipients of Active Service Contracts when the conditions are met.’ However, when the user was selecting ‘Report’ as the recipient type in the campaign, it was not showing the record count in the preview.
  • The user wants to rename the “Send to duplicate records” checkbox, as it was creating confusion about whether it determined the duplicate records with their name field or the mobile number.

When the user clicks on an edit campaign, it was calling the campaign builder controller to retrieve the report options method. It runs a SOQL query on Report, with a limit of 100 records in SOQL. If the user selects a report at 100+ positions while creating a new campaign and when editing that campaign, SOQL will fetch only the first 100 reports, and the selected reports are not visible.

Also, we have addressed the following user concerns for the campaign manager 1.90.

  • The selected report name was missing in the test report preview, and the user was prompted to create the configuration again after saving it.
  • The record count was missing in the preview when the customer selects Report as the recipient type in the campaign while creating a campaign using the report.
  • Renamed the message “Send to duplicate records” to “Send to duplicate mobile numbers” from the checkbox.

The issue related to the Campaign manager is now resolved, changing the limit of SOQL from 100 to 1000.

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