/* Error on https://tenali.sms-magic.com/static/css/chatbot.css?ver=5.5.15 : Something went wrong: cURL error 6: Could not resolve host: tenali.sms-magic.com */

Version 1.51

Patch 1.51.1


  • While searching for conversations by the parent name displayed correct results.
  • New Conversations are not created while sending notifications to users.

Bug fixes

  • SMI-2823: The “Invalid Field” error message is displayed while searching in Converse Desk.
  • SMI-2824: An Automated Send SMS Conversation in Converse Desk is displayed under the History object
  • SMI-2825: For Message Flow “Notification to User” is not working when notifying same user for second time

Patch 1.51.2


Filter for embedded view was changed from MY > INBOX > UNREAD to

Bug fixes

SMI-2832: To Change filter in embedded View.

Patch 1.51.3


Corrected logic to get total conversation count

Bug fixes

SMI-2834: Total Conversation count for embedded view was incorrect.

Patch 1.51.4


Filtered Conversation records by adding primary object lookupField clause in query.

Bug fixes

Time limit exceeded for Bulk messaging (Batch & 200).
This issue was not reported by QA in Converse.

Patch 1.51.5


A check was implemented to verify the direction of push topics (incoming and outgoing). For outgoing SMS push topics will be received till a defined time frame after which only 1 API call will be performed.

Bug fixes

Push topic for outgoing SMS was not being Bulkified. When a campaign was run each inserted record would call unread count API. Lightning would group multiple API calls causing them to reach governor limits.

Patch 1.51.6


A change was implemented in ConversationService. Maps were used to build association in order to reduce time complexity to O(n).

Bug fixes

Time limit exceeded for Bulk messaging (200). This issue was not reported by QA in Converse.

Patch 1.51.7


Introduced a limit Clause of 5k records.

Bug fixes

Incoming from Unknown number was not being pushed to Salesforce as there were over 50k Conversation records.
This issue was not reported by QA in Converse.

Patch 1.51.8


  • Cached unrelated objects API result from MOC to reduce time.
  • Removed message with source 1360 & 1490 from creating conversation.
  • Resolved problem in incoming data migration on enabling Salesforce to Salesforce.

Bug fixes

Calling unrelated objects API multiple times which increases processing time.

Incoming data migration problem when Salesforce to Salesforce is enabled in org.

Patch 1.51.9


  • Resolved issue for SenderId profile map showing extra user as default
  • Resolved bug in information object when no unrelated object is configured for primary object.

Bug fixes

  • Duplicate conversations were getting created when messages sent to the same Lead.
  • Improvements SMI-2855
  • Showing default sender is assigned to user when “null” keyword is present in their name, or email, or username.

Patch 1.51.10


  • Identified fix for using 3 mobile fields in Classic bulk.
  • Identified fix for sending Incoming MMS.

Bug fixes

  • SMI-2839: Sending classic bulk using 3 mobile fields.
  • When the Single object is enabled and there is an incoming MMS, it forwards the message to the mobile number.

Patch 1.51.11


Summer 18 Lightning bug fixes.

Bug fixes

Summer 18 release made the Lightning components fail.

Patch 1.51.12


  • Resolved Conversation Migration
    Modified query to let Platform License owners send SMS
  • Cached getAccountInfo callout to avoid time limit exception
  • Resolved bug for URL redirects
  • Removed the unused libraries that were being added while creating Conversation Page for Lead/Contact

Resolved the Scheduler with i18 fixes

Bug fixes

  • Data sanity issues while migrating Conversations.
  • Platform License users unable to send out messages.
  • Moved bugs fixed in other releases.

Patch 1.51.13


Checks are implemented for user access to Campaign object prior to checking for the container in order to build associations.

Bug fixes

Checks for all Campaigns and Converse Apps were hard coded and hence displayed errors for Platform license.

Patch 1.51.14


Status of all outgoing SMS have been attributed to Bulk SMS

Bug fixes

Bulk SMS should share the same status as Outgoing SMS.

Patch 1.51.15


Fixed SOSL issue for large lead count

Bug fixes

SMI- 3037 – Make the find query selective in current release

Patch 1.51.16


Campaign Batch size increased to 50

Bug fixes

Need to Increase the Batch size for Campaign to 50 to improve Batch speed

Patch 1.51.17


  • Resolved all the issues pending in Winter 19 issues
  • Implemented a change in color for automated SMS

Bug fixes

Need to display Automated SMS in a different color

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Important Announcement!

URGENT! Please register the 10-digit business phone number (e.g. 555-555-5555) that your organization uses to send texts to consumers in the U.S. Failure to register may cause heavy penalties and disruption to all your text messaging communications.