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Fall Release 2021

1. Overview

With the Fall Release 2021, SMS-Magic empowers its customers to drive happier and uninterrupted conversations through a wider range of channels, thereby saving time and effort while conversing. The introduction of the Line channel will widen the scope for the customers to converse seamlessly and delight more service seekers globally.

The Salesforce experience cloud and console improvements will enable you to make the most of every conversation opportunity. Converse one-to-one from your CRM, reach a wider audience with a personal touch, standardize and speed up conversations to empower partners and representatives beyond the walls of your organization.

2. LINE Messaging

With nearly 200 million global users, LINE is poised to be the world’s 20th most popular social messaging channel. With SMS-Magic business solutions allowing you to start business messaging over LINE, you would be able to connect to your customers with this popular chat app globally.

Once you have connected your LINE channel with SMS-Magic and recipients have subscribed to your LINE channel, you will be able to send one-to-one messages or bulk messages to a single LINE recipient or multiple LINE recipients who have subscribed to your channel. You can send text, text templates, or multimedia messages of image, audio, and video with a maximum size of 1MB. Similarly, you will be able to receive those as incoming messages.

Line messaging fall release

3. Salesforce Experience Cloud Improvements

Empower partners and representatives beyond the walls of your organization, standardize and speed up the conversations

Bulk Messaging and Messaging templates on Salesforce Experience Cloud

Partner relationship managers need to enable partner representatives to standardize and speed up regular conversations with their common audience.

This feature is enabled for template creation as an innovative feature for community users to manage their templates.

Create new template salesforce experience cloud improvements
Edit template salesforce experience cloud improvement

New Community User Power License for Salesforce Experience Cloud Users

Support for community-specific low-cost user licenses has been newly added so that customers don’t have to buy standard SMS-Magic licenses for enabling messaging capabilities for their community users.

4. Make the most of every conversation opportunity

Ability to control and manage Sender IDs visibility

We have added a configuration mechanism for admin users using which they would be able to better control and manage the Sender ID’s visibility across users. Admin users can now assign specific Sender IDs to a user and also define a Sender ID to act as a default Sender ID for that user.

Sender ID & Assignment.

Sender ID and Template Search in Message Composer

Sales and marketing representatives who have hundreds of message templates and dozens of business Sender IDs assigned to them and find scrolling is a difficult way to search a particular message template or Sender ID.

Earlier, it was time-consuming for messaging users to find the exact Sender ID or a template from the list of 100s of Sender IDs/Templates in the messaging composer. To simplify this, we now have a feature allowing messaging users to search for a Sender ID or a template while composing a message.

 Sender ID and Template Search in Message Composer

Visual indicator for queued messages

We have added a visual indicator in the conversation user interface that can help the messaging users identify that a particular message is in a queued state due to throttling or business hours settings enabled at the account.

Queued Message
Queued message visual indicator

Persisting the Converse Inbox Filters and pinned Conversation tabs

The Converse Desk inbox filter, as well as conversation pinned tabs, were getting vanished as soon as the messaging user refreshes the Converse Desk or refreshes the browser tab, or performs logout and login operation. This was leading to an additional effort for users to select the respective filter as well as conversation tabs once again. We have now added functionality that will help the application persist the last opened Converse Inbox filter view as well as pinned tabs at a user level even when the user refreshes the Converse Desk or refreshes browser tab or performs logout and login operation

Converse inbox filter

Bulk-send your messages more confidently using WSYIWSG (What You See Is What You Get) Preview

Marketing and sales representatives use merge fields to personalize their bulk messages.

On the bulk message sending interface, the application displays the message with merge fields (if used) but does not have an option to see the preview of the message against a specific user to see the actual message text after resolving the merge fields. We have now given an option for messaging users to see a preview of the message at a recipient level. This can help users to check resolved message text for some of the recipients and know in advance if any changes are needed in the recipient level data or used merge fields or in the messaging template before sending messages.

Message preview

Drive Uninterrupted Conversation

View Thread of messages in the email notification

Sales representatives who receive new message notifications on their email. Need the context of the conversation to respond better using email-to-text.

Whenever the system sends out an email notification to the respective user based upon the configuration done by the admin user when an incoming message is received.

The notification template was used to display the message text from the latest incoming message 

but was not showing any of the past conversation messages. Because of this, the user receiving the email notification was not able to understand the context of the conversation in order to respond to the message directly from the email. 
So, we have added an option for admin users to configure the HTML template for email notification which will by default have a view of the last 5 messages exchanged with the recipient and thereby giving the context of the latest message.

Message thread in email notification

Notifying Record Owners over email

Sales representatives who receive new message notifications on their email. They need the context of the conversation to respond better using email-to-text.

Sales and marketing teams where multiple employees simultaneously converse with a given customer. In such cases, it is important to send new response email notifications to the right representative to avoid confusion about who should be responding.

Notify record owners over email

Save time and efforts while conversing with customers

On the primary tab, a record will be highlighted with a color when a new incoming message is received for that record so that the console user gets notified about new messages and can reply to the message quickly. With this you can save time and efforts while conversing with customers

Highlight primary tab

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