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82% of customers expect immediate response to questions, while the average support response time is over twelve hours. When you know how to use text message templates as part of a text messaging strategy, you will accelerate your sales and support responses. Even better, you’ll give your buyers the communication channel they prefer.
Text message templates can be used to both accelerate and improve the quality of your sales and support conversations. You’ll also onboard new reps and empower them to immediately begin to create relevant, compelling conversations as they select proven, powerful responses.
We all know that the reps who close more business and resolve issues faster are the reps with the most knowledge and experience.
Text message templates empower you to share the expertise of your best reps with all of your sales teams, easily and effectively.
Here’s how:
The graphics below share examples of Sales Rapid Response and Service Rapid Resolution templates.
Sales Rapid Response Template Example.
Support Rapid Resolution Template Example.
Today’s digital buyers expect increasingly faster and more relevant responses to their inquiries and issues. We live in an immediate gratification world, and they expect immediate results from you and your business.
Text message templates guide your sales and service reps to create and send the most relevant responses to your audience’s questions and customers’ issues.
Last week we talked about how to use SMS templates to increase marketing responses, create compelling nurtures and accelerate buyer profiling. Marketing uses templates to quickly create campaigns, assuring the content is the most compelling to individual buyer intents. If you missed that post, check it out here.
If you’d like to experience how SMS business text messaging and SMS templates can help your business, we’d love to share a Free Trial with you. No strings attached! Click here now to register for your Trial and get ready to experience the best in business text messaging.
May 23, 2018
Stay updated on business text messaging
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