Become a textpert
The No-Risk Way to Become a Textpert at Nurturing Campaigns

Consumers want to do business with companies they trust and relate to. Text messaging via

SMS messages
SMS Messages Increase Marketing Efficiency

For years, marketers have ranked email as their top performing marketing channel. As text messaging

SMS messages
SMS Messages Strategy : Less Frequency, More Quality

SMS messages are the preferred communication channel for most people with a smartphone—which is pretty

Best practices for sms messages
7 Campaign Best Practices for SMS Messages

Conversational text messaging is a growing preference for consumers with brands they want to hear

Texting for business
Why Texting for Business Works

Before I get into the advantages and how and why texting works like a charm,

SMS messages
Interactive Content vs. Purposeful Conversations with SMS Me...

Interactive content has been touted as the future of storytelling for marketing. But consider putting

SMS messages
Invite Customers to Start Conversations with SMS Messages an...

Keywords are a concept that every marketer is familiar with, usually in relation to search

SMS campaign
3 Questions to Answer Before Starting Your Campaign for SMS ...

SMS messages and texting is growing in preference as a communication channel between businesses, business